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Kingdom of Heaven - 王者天下
2008/12/13 19:38:26瀏覽656|回應0|推薦7

Date of Viewing (觀賞日期): 13th, Dec, 2008

Director (導演): Ridley Scott

Cast (演員群): Orlando Bloom, Eva Green, Jeremy Irons, David Thewlis, Marton Csoka, Brendan Gleeson, Alexander Siddig, Ghassan Massoud, Micheal Sheen and Liam Neeson. 

Thoughts (感想): 看完這部片子之後,有幾個問題What and where is Kingdon of Heaven? 當然在戲裡,所謂的"Kingdom of Heaven"是耶路薩冷. 在這部片子中,有很多人說耶路薩冷是聖地,但是沒有人treat it like one. 戰爭,killing,每個人都在為自己爭取利益,權力和財富. 而且,不管是任何宗教都想爭取這塊聖地. But at what cost? Cost of normal people like you and me. 而對打鐵匠來說,在經歷過所有的打打殺殺後,他的Kingdom of Heaven就是當個普通人. 所以,對他來說 it's easy to gave up the holly place, because to him it just a name.



( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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