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2008/07/13 11:50:15瀏覽276|回應0|推薦11

3am, me and him drive around the city.
Over and over again.
We know when the car stops, it will be the time for our relationship to end.
It’s not that we don’t have a good relationship, but to me we have become more like family rather than lover.
He knew I am suffering, but he does not want to let go.
I want to let go, but I don’t want to hurt him.
We both know it’s time, but none of us are brave enough.
All we can do is keep on driving.

Finally he has to put some gas in the car.
When he went into the gas station, I took a deep breath, open the door.
As he turns around, he saw me standing beside the car.
From his eye, I can tell he knew this is it. I can see the tears in his eyes, but he still smiled and waved.
I turn around started walking. Left him, the car and half of my heart.

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