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2018/06/07 22:09:41瀏覽83|回應1|推薦2 | |
Over 300000 people have cochlear implants,which help them to hear by converting sound into electrical signals and sending them into the brain.Scientists have "injected " data into monkeys(其實趙路得現在的處境極像一隻猴子) heads,instructingthem to perform actions via electrical pulses(經由電的脈搏).
Security is another: If a brain can be reached on the internet,it can also be hacked.
目前我坐在成功路四段的內湖巨匠上網 只有我一個人面對一支麥克風 怪哉 電腦教室擺放一支麥克風並且麥克風的口對準我趙路得,這又是什麼意思呢????????????????
Start with technology.Non-invasive techniques like an electroencephalogram(EEG,這個冗長的英文單字應當是與電相關的專有名詞,我尚未查到是什麼意思)struggle to pick up high-resolution brain signals through intervening layers of skin,bone and membrane. But for the time being at least,the most ambitious applications require implants that can interact directly with neurons. Helped by advances in miniaturisation and increased computing power,efforts are under way to make safe,wireless implants that can communicate with hundreds of thousands of neurons.Some of these interpret the brains electrical signals; others experiment with light,magnetism and ultrasound.
2018年五月初 我驚異地發現我的小套房在有太陽的日子時 大約每天中午十一點至下午一點左右的燦爛陽光被檢調單位沒收了 四月四日我去中正藝廊觀賞愛因斯坦的特展時 才明瞭太陽光含有各式各樣的電磁波 因此我的小套房如果有陽光灑進來 便會有大量的電磁波為陳超明和他的表弟效力 所以檢調單位必須加以制止 目前臺灣電力公司及中華電信公司的聲波已經被陳超明和他的表弟監控 我現在排便(儘管依然便秘) 是靠CD光碟背面的七彩光線 是雷射光喔 我每天拿著光碟片四處掃毒 尤其是接近天花板的高處 並且每天禱告十幾次 正如今天我去台北真道教會敬拜 廖文華牧師證道時所說:
在信心的時刻,耶穌會為路得成就 在絕望的時刻,耶穌眷顧路得
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