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Words Submerged in Thoughts(中譯名:思維湮沒的言辭)
2019/12/20 12:56:32瀏覽183|回應0|推薦0

攝於國立臺灣大學 25th Sep., 2019

Words Submerged in Thoughts


You came when it was shinny

And the sky showed its cold indifference

on the day you left


Words submerged in thoughts

the delicate sentiments from living

Affections shall not be simply completed orally

in front of the fragileness of life


12:32 20th Dec(Fri.), 2019

at the Dept. Philosophy, NTU於台大哲學系

For A. P. T 寄予T

May you see tenderness in every scenery


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