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2012/05/24 23:48:48瀏覽8321|回應4|推薦46 | |
藍月小麥啤酒 : 酒精濃度5.4% - 藍月釀造有限公司
因為在家附近的在地商店看到它出沒而有機會把它帶回家品嚐一番 :-) 由於釀造過程未經過濾,你可以從外觀上看出這款美國小麥啤酒呈現灰暗暗的橙色。
說真的我並不是小麥啤酒的死忠粉絲,總覺得多數的小麥啤酒喝起來的口感帶著很強烈的酸味。但坦白說比起其他品牌相同類型的小麥啤酒,藍月帶出的清爽甜味算是很順口的!它那濃郁的甜橘味混合著淡淡的芫荽香,在炎炎夏夜來一瓶再適合不過了! 普羅大眾在喝小麥啤酒的常態喝法是喜歡加上一片香吉士或檸檬片,不過喝這款藍月我個人建議直接單喝就好,這樣在啜飲第一口時更能嚐出純淨的小麥香好味道。整體來說藍月算是一個很好入口的啤酒,但因為那不時竄出的香料氣息令我我沒法子一口氣喝超過兩瓶以上。 總評感想: 迎接美麗的夜晚或是結束疲累的夜晚都很適合來一瓶清新的藍月。 有興趣的人可以看一下維基介紹 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Moon_%28beer%29 或是藍月官方網站 http://www.bluemoonbrewingcompany.com/
Blue Moon Wheat Beer 5.4%ABV -Blue Moon Brewing Co.
This particular i bought by chance,just because it happened to be on offer in my local store. It is an American wheat beer which is very cloudy orangein appearance due to the fact that it is unfiltered. To be honest, i am not a huge fan of wheat beers,I tend to find them sour tasting and very acidic. I have to admit that this is one of the more pleasant wheat beers. I have tried and is refreshingly sweet to drink. This tastes great on a hot summers night,the flavour is rich and has a nice taste of orange with a small dash of corainder. Apparently it is recommended to drink this beer with a slice of fruit, either orange or lemon. - i do not recommend this as it leaves the beer tasting flat and loses it's head. I much prefer to drink it on it's own from a glass. Overall, it is a nice beer to try,but it isn't easy to drink more than a couple of bottles at one time due to its overall texture and flavours. Generally a good beer to start or end the evening with. 以上 原文 by Mark , 三腳貓翻譯 by Sidney .................................................................................................. 下酒菜來囉~對於M總是超級捧場我的菜一向充滿了感激,愛煮如我,看到盤底朝天真的心花怒放。夏天就想吃點清爽樂活的,酪梨很好入菜,跟海鮮是絕配,做了酪梨蘆筍白魚乳酪莎莎,另外青椒義大利餃 ravioli 熱量也不會太高又可以止飢。
忍不住想貼一下今天看到的笑話 :-P 1. 有個黑道大哥去7-11買東西,店員結了帳給他兩枚點數。 2. 店員解釋是個誤會後,大哥這才熄怒,在門口抽煙消氣。 大哥扁完了店員還是無法消氣,想說不投訴一下不行! 店員被扁第三次 大哥臨走前又問:『集8點可以換什麼?』 跟 M 一起聽歌: The Heartbreaks是來自英國摩爾甘比的四人團體,首張專輯“Funtimes” 專輯製作人請到大有來頭的Edwyn Collins。主唱Matthew Whitehouse曾在2011年被Burberry相中,拍攝了一系列品牌平面廣告。重點是他也會賈伯和brett的招牌甩麥克風,嗓音也有師承很多前人的神韻。整張專輯都和影片這首一樣好聽。
延伸閱讀 :英國麥酒English ALE ➼ 『Courage Directors Bitter』 http://blog.udn.com/lovesidney/6443059 |
( 休閒生活|美食 ) |