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2012/05/13 05:57:07瀏覽2219|回應6|推薦32 | |
~前言~ Mark是個啤酒控!有些人喝酒從一而終只固定喝幾種品牌, Mark則是喜愛嘗試各式來自不同國家不同品牌的啤酒。他從十七,十八歲少年郎至今三十瑯當,喝過的啤酒應該少說有三百種以上。英國男人不分老少個個海量能喝 , 真的不誇張!在這兒到任何一家超市看到的啤酒櫃一字排開,至少都可以有八十至一百多種不同品牌任君選擇。 所以我提議既然那麼愛喝會喝,何妨記錄一下喝過的酒,且獨樂樂不如眾樂樂,和大家分享一下這兒的啤酒吧!然後以我的三腳貓英文程度把他的文字翻譯為蹩腳中文... 噗噗..大夥加減看 :-) 今天登場的是英國麥酒 Courage Directors Bitter Courage Directors Bitter ALE 在我心中的排行榜是數一數二的,我為它著迷有段時日了。每每開啟拉環或瓶蓋的一瞬間,那撲鼻而來的古老氣味總讓我想起我爺爺。從它的棕色瓶身賣相可嗅出這款走的是樸實中規中舉的老傳統英式路線。(該牌釀酒廠已超過300歲囉)。啜飲第一口白色泡沫滑入喉嚨裡的感覺是蓬鬆清亮的,由於過於舒暢滑順,使你不由自主咕嚕咕嚕地飛快飲用喝光它。 這瓶ALE酒經度含量達4.8%,比起偶而喝的其他ALE酒精度略高了點。它超爽快的好滋味及入喉之後的回甘讓我只想迫不及待的一氣呵成暢飲,來個貪心的滿口ALE香!喝這款你沒法子來給它細細品味路線;怎麼說呢?當你嚥下第一口的口感有一丁點像汽水的小氣泡噗吱噗吱地, 跟當你將汽水倒入玻璃杯中會冒出許多氣泡一樣,只是這ALE的氣泡一瞬間不到三秒馬上溶解, 酒本身依舊清澈 ,只留下上層豐厚的泡沫! 緊接的你會想要一口氣豪飲把它灌到見杯底。因為它實在太順口了,從喉頭順到胃整個超級滑溜。既順又爽!它味道强勁,但不過重,後味帶有微淡的烘木燻香,應該是因為酒廠依舊秉持古法釀造。坦白說,喝完挺容易微醺小醉一陣的!
一般這款ALE的擁護者多半為事業小有成的中年生意人,和在台灣喝黃酒或紹興多為大叔一樣哩 但我和我的一票朋友都給它極高的好評價,無法抗拒這款好味道的ALE,我們均為30初頭,所以好喝的ALE是可以跨越所有年齡層的。 在超市或啤酒門市皆買的到鋁罐裝或玻璃瓶裝,雖然我一向比較偏好買玻璃瓶裝的啤酒,總覺得玻璃瓶較有質感,賣相比較優,啤酒喝起來也比較鮮美。不過這瓶鋁罐Courage Directors Bitter ALE卻還保有它該有的水準,味道倒是沒失真。還有另外一個加分的原因:在超市買鋁罐裝的啤酒比玻璃瓶較便宜划算呦。 沒嚐過的格友們有機會的話試試它吧!包準不讓你失望! 有興趣的人可以看一下維基介紹 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courage_Brewery 或是專業酒評 http://www.beerpal.com/Courage-Directors-Bitter-Beer/2544/ Courage Directors Bitter – 4.8%ABV This particular ale has long been a favourite of mine,every time I open a bottle or can of it,the smell reminds me of my grandfather. It’s certainly a traditional and old fashioned beer with a medium brown appearance. (The brewery is already over 300 years old). The head is fluffy, light and white and remains all the way down to the finish of the drink. Although the ale is a respectable 4.8% in strength, its one of those occasional drinks that seems to be stronger than it actually is, the taste is very pleasant and leaves an aftertaste that makes you want to take a mouthful again immediately. – its hard to savour because it digests so smoothly, even with the lightly fizzy consistency. The taste is strong but not overpowering, with a slight wooden roasty aftertaste, this is probably due to the traditional brewing techniques used. I have to admit that it is a drink I can very easily get drunk with. A typical person who would claim to drink this beer regularly is most probably a middle aged successful business man, but I know of many of my friends who speak very highly of it. – and we are just 30 years old, so the appeal of the drink does carry well across people of all ages. It is available in a can or bottle, although im not a huge fan of drinking beers from a can, this one doesn't seem to lose any of the quality. – which is a good thing as the cans do tend to be slightly cheaper to buy in the supermarket. If you haven’t already tried this drink, and you see it on sale somewhere, try it ! – it will not disappoint. 後記:在台灣待過三年半的Mark以往挺入境隨俗的!喝啤酒時總不忘來點下酒菜,像是油孜孜的炸雞排、香噴噴的鹹酥雞,配盤海帶豆干黑白切或是海鮮熱炒,都是他的絕佳下酒菜。但是這裡沒法找到這些可口佳肴,嘿嘿!沒關係~他的個性很容易滿足,來點英式三明治也不賴啦!這就是他的小確幸吧! 猜猜哪個口味最好吃? 聽歌Idlewild- Take Me Back To The Islands
延伸閱讀: 胖狗寫真集 My fatty dog's funny photos http://blog.udn.com/lovesidney/6415209 |
( 休閒生活|美食 ) |