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2009/05/30 17:08:25瀏覽1161|回應1|推薦1 | |
Tom's Diner 湯姆的店
I am sitting in the morning 早上,我坐在 At the diner on the corner 街角的餐廳裡 I am waiting at the counter 站在櫃台邊 For the man to pour the coffee 等裡面的人來倒咖啡 And he fills it only halfway 他只替我倒了半杯 And before I even argue 我才要抗議 He is looking out the window 他頭已經轉向窗外 At somebody coming in 看著正走進來的人 "It is always nice to see you" 「我總是好高興看到妳」 Says the man behind the counter 櫃台後面的人 To the woman who has come in 對著剛進來的女的說 She is shaking her umbrella 這女的還在把傘甩乾 And I look the other way 當他們親吻打招呼的時候 As they are kissing their hellos 我把頭轉開 I'm pretending not to see them 假裝沒有看到 And instead I pour the milk 沒辦法,只好自己倒牛奶 And I open up the paper 我打開報紙
There's a story of an actor 有個報導說 Who had died while he was drinking 某個演員喝酒喝到翹�掛了 It was no one I had heard of 只是個我沒聽說過的傢伙 And I'm turning to the horoscope 於是我翻到星座版 And looking for the funnies 看看有沒有什麼好玩的 When I'm feeling someone watching me 突然我覺得有人瞪著我看 And so I raise my head 所以我抬起頭 There's a woman on the outside 窗外有個女的 Looking inside. Does she see me? 正朝餐廳裡瞧,她看到我了嗎? No she does not really see me 沒有,她不是真的看到我 Cause she sees her own reflection 因為她看到的是自己的倒影 And I'm trying not to notice 我盡量不要去注意 That she's hitching up her skirt 她正用力把裙頭拉高 And while she's straightening her stockings 當她低頭把絲襪拉直的時候 Her hair has gotten wet 她的頭髮都淋溼了 Oh, this rain it will continue 哎,看來整個早上 Through the morning as I'm listening 這雨都會下個不停,我聽著 To the bells of the cathedral 教堂傳來的鐘聲 I am thinking of your voice... 想念起你的聲音 And of the midnight picnic 還有好久好久以前,雨還沒來的時候 Once upon a time before the rain began... 我們曾經共度的午夜野餐 I finish up my coffee 我喝掉咖啡 It's time to catch the train 得去趕火車了 Da da da da... |
( 休閒生活|音樂 ) |