However, patients who demonstrated an immune response showed highly significant improvement in progression-free survival and the secondary endpoint of overall survival is trending towards statistical significance. OBI-822/821 was generally well tolerated with no major safety concerns. Full results will be presented at an upcoming international scientific conference.
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2016/03/31 19:50:46瀏覽191|回應0|推薦1 | |
1、燕麥;2、玉米;3、蘆筍(還是抗癌之王) 4、山藥;5、海藻;6、銀耳; 1、白薯;2、桔子;3、冷飲;
泡麵都經過油炸,油中添加了防止食物酸化的安定劑。碗裝泡麵塑料碗的材質是聚苯乙烯,為防止加熱後變形,沖泡過程遇高溫,這些物質就會溶解,人體每天每公斤體重攝入聚苯乙烯的危險量是0.001毫克 ,一個碗裝泡麵所溶解出來的是0.015毫克。 四、讓雙腿變瘦的7樣絕好食物 1:紫菜—排掉體內廢物及積聚水分;
1:枸杞酒釀蛋---給您好臉色; 九、沒能抗拒誘惑如何補救
1:如果臉上長出了討厭的小痘痘,應該選擇哪種食材?酸奶! 10:要想成為骨骼強健女性應該吃?排骨湯
【八大最不健康食物】 2,油條,油條中的明礬,是含鋁的無機物, 不可經常食用。
3,烤肉,由於烤肉在燻烤過程中,會產生如 「苯」等有害物質
5,胡蘿蔔:胡蘿蔔富含β—胡蘿蔔素,不僅能夠保護基因結構,能改善皮膚, 增強視力。
10,辣椒:紅辣椒能夠促進新陳代謝,幫助減肥,辣椒素能刺激胃液分泌,防止腸胃中有害細菌的滋生。甜辣椒同樣有益健康,它富含維生素C,能夠預防心血管疾病,延緩衰老。 文章來源:愛上廚房
乳癌疫苗解盲 沒達標 浩鼎:多數臨床有抗體 結果「跌破眼鏡的好」台灣研發主動式免疫療法〔記者陳永吉、林惠琴/台北報導〕被視為台灣生技業重要里程碑、眾所矚目的浩鼎乳癌疫苗OBI-822的臨床II/III期試驗初步結果於昨天公布,解盲數據顯示,主要療效指標─無惡化存活期(PFS)「未呈現統計學上顯著意義」,引發外界錯愕;但浩鼎董事長張念慈表示,大多數臨床病人,都產生有效抗體,證實這次臨床試驗是成功的,結果是「跌破眼鏡的好」。 浩鼎乳癌疫苗OBI-822是由台灣自主研發的主動式免疫療法疫苗,引進中研院院長翁啟惠研究癌細胞中醣分子可作為啟動人體免疫系統抑制癌細胞機轉的相關技術,主要是針對末期乳癌病患,透過施打此治療性疫苗,期能活化病人自體免疫系統,辨識腫瘤細胞並加以摧毀。 沒達到當初臨床設計指標昨日解盲結果,以用藥組和對照組相比,主要療效指標(primary endpoint)未呈現統計學上顯著意義;但張念慈強調,這次試驗也揭曉,這次臨床所收乳癌病患未特別篩選,包括三陰性、荷爾蒙接受體陽性型、HER-2等,不管哪種病患,參與試驗的病人若產生IgG、IgM免疫抗體反應,在無惡化存活期確可看出顯著改善,總體存活率(OS)也呈現明顯正面趨勢。該藥在大多數有免疫反應的病人身上,都產生非常好的抗體數量及療效,因此從科學及臨床意義上,是一次成功的解盲,對未來癌症治療有重大意義。 浩鼎副董許友恭則說明,該臨床試驗是在二○○九年設計,當時市場對免疫療法特性並不了解,公司依過去癌症藥物的特性設計以PFS作指標之一,但免疫療法這五、六年有很大進步,現在是看有無免疫反應,這才是更正確的設計,如以浩鼎臨床試驗的結果來看,結果算是成功的。 浩鼎:免疫新療法不是夢許友恭並表示,過去二、三十年來,全球癌症主動式免疫療法沒有一次成功,但這次浩鼎的試驗結果卻提供未來很清楚的一條路,顯示主動式免疫療法不是夢,是可實現的新療法。 至於未來OBI-822的方向,張念慈表示,由於從安全性跟療效來看,此次臨床試驗還是有成果,只是當初設計的指標沒有達到,因此會跟衛福部食藥署針對法規面進行商討,需否再做一個臨床試驗,目前還不清楚。浩鼎強調,由於這次二期臨床已有新發現,也有足夠參數來降低風險,因此未來若設計新的臨床會有完全不一樣的方向,而且「只許成功、不能失敗」。 食藥署:我法規比照國際衛福部食藥署簡任技正蔡士智則表示,目前尚未收到浩鼎相關資料,還無法釐清試驗情況,但我國對癌症藥品的法規均比照國際,無落後問題,不會因案修改,但推測業者所指並非是修改法規,應是研究結果雖未達預期目的,但可能對於特定族群有顯著的統計意義,不排除想進一步修正原先的研究設計,藉以達標,坦言這確實是有可討論的空間,但仍要等雙方溝通後再說。
Source: (repost) OBI-822/821 Phase II/III Study Does Not Meet PFS Endpoint, But Shows Positive Results in Breast Cancer Patients with Immune Response Feb 29, 2016 OBI Pharma Inc., announced topline results from a phase II/III study of OBI-822/821 (formerly OPT822/OPT821), which evaluated the clinical benefit and immunogenicity in patients with metastatic breast cancer. The study did not meet the primary efficacy endpoint of progression-free survival.
(repost) OBI Pharma Reports Topline Results From OBI-822/821 Randomized Controlled Phase 2/3 Clinical Trial In Patients With Metastatic Breast Cancer Plans to Advance to Global Phase 3 Clinical Program Feb 22, 2016, 05:35 ET from OBI Pharma, Inc. TAIPEI, Taiwan, Feb. 22, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- OBI Pharma, Inc., a Taiwan biotech company (TPex: 4174), today announced the topline results of the Phase 2/3 study of OBI-822/821 (formerly OPT822/OPT821), which evaluated the clinical benefit and immunogenicity of the investigational immunotherapy in patients with metastatic breast cancer. Based on the data available to date, the study (Protocol Number OPT-822-001) did not meet the primary efficacy end point of progression-free survival. However, patients who demonstrated an immune response (IgG or IgM) showed highly significant improvement in progression-free survival and the secondary endpoint of overall survival is trending towards statistical significance. OBI-822/821 was generally well tolerated with no major safety concerns. Full results will be presented at an upcoming international scientific conference.
"The interesting and somewhat complex results achieved with this novel mechanism of action indicate that OBI-822 may have a benefit in patients that are able to generate an immune response," said ChiunSheng Huang, MD, PhD, Professor of Surgery and Director of the Breast Center at the National Taiwan University Hospital and Principal Investigator of the study. "Further understanding of the data will help us identify the patient population that will see the greatest response to OBI-822 therapy and further assist physicians in their efforts to more effectively treat metastatic breast cancer." "While the study did not meet its originally designed primary endpoint, the encouraging efficacy seen in patients who demonstrated an immune response to the vaccine support the validity of an immunological approach to treating breast cancer and these data will help us develop a global phase 3 study that will provide the data to further elucidate the value of OBI-822 and support the registration of this promising new product," said Hope S. Rugo, MD, Professor of Medicine, Director, Breast Oncology and Clinical Trials Education, University of California San Francisco Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center and OBI-822 investigator. "Based on the positive immune response results and the overall safety of OBI-822/821, we will meet with the regulatory authorities in Taiwan, US, and Europe to discuss the most appropriate design for an upcoming global phase 3 clinical trial," said Nathan Chen, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer, OBI Pharma Inc. Study Design About OBI-822 and OBI-821 About OBI Pharmaceuticals |
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