2019/11/05 02:51 |
光看新聞就叫人發抖。希望the worst is over,今年底的寒冬有所改善,讓大家鬆口氣。
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2019-11-05 09:34 回覆: |
嗐呀,您抖得早了點喽。 10/30 & 10/31 兩天,我搭早班火車進城上班,月台上的風雪盈吋,冷阿~ 這是我來美的第一次過白-色-萬聖節。這還僅是秋尾巴耶,冬天尚未見光影咧~
2019/10/20 11:48 |
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2019-10-21 11:07 回覆: |
All-In via YouTube, while sitting on my Lazyboy from dawn to twilight, ending by late night...this is what a Mid-Westerner who's never been a sport fan can do.
Replies of reply |
2019/10/01 14:38 |
讀到那句「沒有一天不想她」差點 that's a lie 脫口出、、、好吧,承認或許因為我不是顆石頭,也或許是一年365天,想她365天,嗯,有可能;十年3650天,會想她3650遍嗎? 二十年7300天,有想她7300遍嗎?
It's been what, say 30 years, how about 10950 days, will it be 10950 times' missing the Lady? Sorrry, Mr. Tang, I'd like to say "Not A Day Without Missing Her" is BS. 唉,看來,我真不是顆石頭。在死腦袋的蘿蔔坑裡,0.99999...9 就是不等於1嘛。阿,我知道了,我不是石頭,我是空心大蘿蔔。
Sir Norton 101 頑石有二(SirNorton) 於 2019-10-01 10:26 回覆: 刪除
OK 的,阿Q式的遁辭,我沒質疑。心的傷痕來自文革,他和那時的存活者有不同的價值觀。傷心看似平復,但後續的效應難料。
Sir Norton 101 頑石有二(SirNorton) 於 2019-10-01 14:36 回覆: 刪除
When I was young, I had thought love had something to do with understanding, but with age I learnt that no human being understood another. Love was the wish to understand, and presently with constant failure the wish died, and love died too perhaps or changed into this painful affection, loyalty, pity.
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2019-10-02 10:12 回覆: |
了解阿 了解阿、、、文、理兩科的思緒不同,說話方式也大不同。李白說白髮三千丈;NS會說扯謊,哪有人會有三千丈頭髮? 李白活了61歲,就算他從來不剪頭髮,3000/60 一年要長個50丈長的頭髮,哪有可能!!
一個蘿蔔一個坑的人,無法同意一年頭髮長50丈長,所以,無法同意幾多年來沒有一天不想她的誇張。 你知道美國法庭的審理陪審團制度,開庭前,檢控及辯護雙方都派員考問candidates,來挑選陪審員的吧; 雙方都盡力問出最有利於己方的陪審員出庭,以便檢、辯各自鼓起如簧之舌,來影響結果;可是有一類人,這兩造都絕對不會挑選的,那就是絕不挑搞數學(或搞統計)的,理由就是,這一類的大蘿蔔,向來是以自己的邏輯來思考,不會受哪一方的言論左右。NS天生就是如此,看到哪一段、哪一事蹟,讓我的腦筋轉不過來,馬上跳出來說: Lier!! 壞毛病。我知道阿 我知道阿~
Unfortunately, very unfortunately I would say, I have figured out there has no lasting love, no long lasting passion...
People (no matter familay members, friends, or lovers) stay together not because they are bound together by love but by some sense of duty or social norms, after a period of time when the passion burnout. Too bad I have figured this out too young, too early; think of it the other way, maybe too lucky to figure this out.
However, people have to find out their own ways and live thier own lives. I have no intention to influenciate others. So, I keep my discovery to myself. ![誰理你 誰理你](/jscript/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/015.gif)
You may like this one |
2019/09/29 08:49 |
I read some time back of the following:
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” ― Will Rogers
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2019-09-29 09:45 回覆: |
Don't know who this Will Rogers is/was; however, he must be a dog-lover (pure emotion passion, literally.)
I believe there is a place I will go after end of my human life and my Babydog will be waiting and licking on me 1st thing he recognizes me there.
I had had many dogs. I know all of them very much and I am the one most close to our dogs in the family. All my dogs loved me, they followed me, all of them loved me UNCONDITIONALLY & FAITHFULLY. Period.
Honestly, I could not find that kind of unconditional love in mankind. How can I not return the same feeling back to my four-legs-golden-heart-friends?
好個秋 |
2019/09/28 09:22 |
Hey N.S.,
How was your week? What's cooking around you and about Chicago of this week?
Mr. Trump seems mired in the self-crafted troubles again. He is such a sorry non-comedian.
Autumn is a lady's season. I imagine you subscribed to it.
Best, Kirk
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2019-09-29 06:32 回覆: |
What's cooking in Chicago? Well, Germs, what else.
It's Fall, the beginning of the Flu Season; certainly, a beginning of Sport Season as well. Never been cared of any sport, all I did in the office was to wrap myself up warmly (the air condition has been on furiously, even it's below 60 degree outside), buried my head into the work, ignored guys talk of Michigan this and Michigan that...I bet they're playing some kind of sports game with money, not the foliage trip to Michigan.
So, Chicken Soup for me. That's what I cooked, and it works for me.
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2019-09-29 06:45 回覆: |
As for Trump, I hope Adam Schiff can really get the Boss of the Mob, this time. Jerry Nadler was my hero from the past House hearings/testings; but, I will shift my respect to Schiff if he can do good on this up coming Intel Hearings/Investigations. Certainly, the Whistleblower is my #1 Hero, at this moment.
更冷的還有 |
2019/09/26 08:25 |
新西伯利亞破了有紀錄以來的低溫 攝氏 -57度
Relativity |
2019/09/08 02:49 |
Hey Dear Ms. NS,
No wonder your concept of relativity confused the hack of the poor gentleman colleague. The coordinates frame a comprehensive relativity. I like math for the worthy effort to sorting it out. Even when arriving at a wrong answer, I would still develop concept and understanding with little contempt.
How was your week while about entering the fall season? Chicago's winter is not for the fainted hearts. I admired you stayed put.
The summer time was slower than usual and an indulgence for my mandarin-writing practice. I had fun and appreciated the languages.
I love to see your writing or responses more often, because I realized how super fluent you are at arts, biology and music.
Have a delicious Sunday on the soul food and the food food.
Kirk ![](/jscript/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/e-13.gif)
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2019-09-08 09:40 回覆: |
It is late Summer in Chicago, the trees are green, the tempreture still high enough but not hot; most mild for the Summer Season...just waiting for the Fall's arrival for a pleasant harvest season.
The guy, who trashed his math education saying "what the heck of why Negative Negative is Positive," is not my colleague, he is my friend's friend's husbend, a guy of my 6 degree apart's acquentence. I hope he understood my smirk to his trashing of waste for the math education via my cool response.
What I don't understand is where are these people got their idea from, that if something goes wrong, it all because others faults. If it took you 50+ year to find out that you could not figure out why Nagtive Native is Positive was because your math teach incapable of making you comprehend the basic concept that you concluded it was all because the math education went wrong. These people of my little circle are graduates with degrees. You think your math education had been a waste, what kind of idiot egghead are you!!
Well, lucky of him, because he is only an acquentance, not a close friend; therefore, I kept my sarcastic attitude to myself.
Lazy NS doesn't care much of food, as long as it soothes her stomache, and it is easy to make that does not need to stand by all the time to cook the food.
A friend not afar |
2019/09/05 23:59 |
Hey Dear Little Ms. NS,
Your reply echoed a radiant delight throughout today. I chuckled at relearning your favorite subjects are art, biology and music, before descending to math. I read great snapshots from your blog posting about the interesting subjects. The subjects constituted a major part of the world and us. Each subject is a kingdom and way greater than genres. Delving into any of them seemed always a treat in some seasons.
You are a friend afar and not. A friend is the extra ears, eyes and mind one may be lucky to tap. I knew you have been there progressing and enjoying what life presented you. I flew over Chicago several times a year and looked down knowing a friend not afar.
School tyranny may as well be that some teachers or principals were incapable and unaware to express caring and loving other than dictating. Some could hijack the time but never the minds of others for too long. We choose where to excel and what to let go.
Hey, I did not get at the negative-and-negative puzzle. He seemed a fun guy who had hangover of schooling. So, you let the cat out.
Have a wonderful autumn Thursday!
Cheers and best,
Kirk ![](/jscript/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/e-13.gif)
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2019-09-06 09:00 回覆: |
By the way, my Master Thesis is something of Abstract Algebra of the Group therem where the contents used quite a lot of Topology therems to prove. Frankly speaking, I have not opened that printout for nearly 30 years. I am an idiot for that topic, now. It should be ranked at the bottom of all my favorates.
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2019-09-06 08:51 回覆: |
Everyone who passed through Junior High math have learned lots of the skills of the Algebric Math which is the foundation of all Science. But, few were really thought of what exact these verbs of "Add, Subtract, Multiply, & Divide" mean? To explain these verbs you need to use lots of words to describe these actions is Abstract Art.
I don't intend to give you the whole story of Math History, in short, image your first day in class to learn what the definition of Cartesian coordinates , chart borrowed from wikipedia:
If you start from the origin point to go one step to the right, that is positive 1; and, if you go one step to the left, that is negative 1 (these are where Addition and Subtraction concept from).
Imaging you are a little ant, if your walking to one direction calls as postive; then turn around to go the opposit direction is negative (so, you see, this is how humen abstracts something from solid real world). Therefore, you walk to a positive direction and turn back to the negative direct and again turn to another negative direction, where you are facing now? Positive diection, aren't you?
Isn't Math beautiful? It is pure Art. ![得意 得意](/jscript/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/f-11.gif)
September blessings |
2019/09/04 18:50 |
Hey Dear Ms. NS,
A thought had rendered me so restless for months that I felt compelled to apologize to you. My prior comments might have hurt the feelings of yours and your beloved dog, though it long passed away. I apologized for my insensitivity to the unbroken bond of souls. I should not have suggested to bring another dog into your life.
I was foolish at hoping a sweet and fast addition - like, a puppy - to help celebrating your solitude. I was not thinking of your joyous content and peacefulness. I knew how it is being alone. I was thinking a dog abates your aloneness, while I was having some tough moments. Caught myself me as selfish, and childish, too.
Another of your favorite subects also echoed with me. To me math became more as a delight than as a tool. Math presents symmetry and predictability. Math frameworks theories and models the mind. Math frees people from enslaving metaphors. I am always curious about a lady of mathmatics, who happened to be you. It is likely you mirrors the beauty of math.
Yours best,
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2019-09-05 09:47 回覆: |
Hey, hey, Dear Kirk (what a strange term to call your first name, to me, Sir Norton has been known prior than Kirk):
First of All, please don't feel bad, no apology is needed, for suggestion of having another dog for me. Normally and logically well considered, I have done that and been told many times; I started to think of that even way beyond year of 2000; Babydog had been wanted another dog to play around with him when he was young, but had not wanted another company at our little and stuffed townhouse when he understood he's getting aged.
After the finish of his physical life, I have always known and felt my Babydog's existence, he needs my support and comfort the way as he was alive. Truely, I firmly believe he is waiting for me at the other line just as the way he was waiting for me back home from work, daily. I miss every little thing of him but I can get by without his physical body; because, "I think, therefore, my Babydog exits." How can I not return his total confidence in me and loyal faithfulness to me?
Ever heard the Golden Girls theme song? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiQzUEc_FmI) I said my "Thank-You-For-Being-My-Friend for 17 wonderful years" to my Babydog at his last days. I knew he understood the meaning and my sincereness that he finally let go of his painful cancer eaten body without regret, finally. I want to phrase the same words to you as well: Thank you for being my friend.
So, sleep well and no burden, please.
As for my next favorite subject, actually, it may count 3rd, 4th, or 5th... math ranked behind Art, Biology, Music... to me. I was forced to take Math as a major because my grade of Entrance Exam to College was met to the gate of Math Department; once registered, Dean would not allow anyone to transfer. None, Absolutely Zero!! He could flunk anyone he did not like but no one allowed to be free of his control. Yes, he's a tyrant. Everyone scared of him. But, he liked me because my answer to his "who can tell me what is Math, in short sentence." My cowed voice said "Math is Art" because both are abstract idea. Yes, he liked my answer very much (so that he wrote me a very good recommendation letter to apply to my Graduate School!!)
So, who is the "lady of math?" Nothing but a person who's in favor of Art.
Now, let me ask you a question from a guy of my little circle, this person was complaining his math education had been a waste, he asked "what is the hack of negative negative is positive?" No one in my little group could really repute his trash talk, until my response. So, what say you?
容許串門子 |
2019/08/25 16:22 |
Ideally, 能驅車到您那兒,在您 balcony 上讓您請杯冰開水,可以什麼都談,也可以什麼都不談。我覺得您是這樣的朋友。
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2019-08-27 10:48 回覆: |
理科女子跟一般人想像的女性,在很多點上表現大不同。身為陰性的我們有女性的直覺,卻也多了不少邏輯的能力。是朋友,是這樣的朋友;yes, of course; we are such different humen。Many times, I have felt I am the 3rd gender, part of F and part of M。當然是,是朋友,可以是這樣的朋友。
冰開水,有啦;汽水,也有啦 (不怎麼推薦,人老就怪,越來越不愛吃甜、喝甜);wine也是有的(只是不懂酒品,只要能不讓我胃痛的都是好酒);如果,可以接受margarita或taquilla酒系的,那更是朋友界的上品!!
一根腸子,有話必說,不吐不快,NS總是直言、不加修飾的,相對的也是很健談的(我媽說我是死鴨子嘴硬--好辯,我說我是孟子的徒子徒孫: 余豈好辯哉,余不得已也。其實,NS從不參加辯論賽,只是絕對服從真理的);是,就是這樣的朋友。
Any time, any where. I am absolutely NS.