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陳秋霞 & 鍾鎮濤合唱 One Summer Night
2009/12/22 05:37:28瀏覽875|回應0|推薦3

One summer night, the stars were shining bright
One summer dream, made with fancy whims
That summer night, my whole world tumbled down
I could have died, if not for you.

Each night I pray for you
My heart would cry for you
The sun won't shine again
Since you have gone
Each time I think of you
My heart would beat for you
You are the one for me

Set me free, like sparrows up the tree
Give a sign so I would ease my mind
Just say a word and I'll come running wild
Give me a chance to live again

Repete - Chorus, Verse, Chorus.
ooh ooh ooh
( 心情隨筆愛戀物語 )
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