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If you go away - Dusty Springfield
2010/01/19 23:30:22瀏覽1562|回應0|推薦12
If you go away 原是法語歌曲,後譯成英文.Barbra Streisand, Frank Sinatra等人皆曾演唱.

我選的這片是 Dusty Springfield 所唱.她英法語皆會.歌中有一段保留原法語歌詞,饒富韻味.

If you go away on this summer day
Then you might as well take the sun away
All the birds that flew in the summer sky
When our love was new and our hearts were high
And the day was young and the night was long
And the moon stood still for the night bird's song

If you go away, if you go away, if you go away

But if you stay, I'll make you a day
Like no day has been or will be again
We'll ride on the rain, we'll sail on the sun,
We'll talk to the trees and worship the wind
Then if you go, I'll understand
Leave me just enough love to hold in my hand

If you go away, If you go away, If you go away

Ne me quitte pas
Il faut oublier
Tout peut s'oublier
Qui s'enfuit déjà
Oublier le temps
Des malentendus
Et le temps perdu
A savoir comment
Oublier ces heures
Qui tuaient parfois
A coups de pourquoi
Le coeur du bonheur

Ne me quitte pas, ne me quitte pas, ne me quitte pas

But if you stay, I'll make you a night
Like no night has been or will be again
We'll ride on the rain, and I'll stay on your touch
I'll talk to your eyes, that I love so much
Then if you go, I'll understand
Leave me just enough love to hold in my hand

If you go away, ne me quitte pas, if you go away

If you go away, as I know you must
There'll be nothing left in this world to trust
Just an empty room, full of empty space
Like the empty look I see on your face
Oh, I'd have been the shadow of your shadow
If it might have kept me by your side

If you go away, ne me quitte pas, if you go away

[spoken] Please don't go away!
( 心情隨筆愛戀物語 )
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