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Oh! Carol
2010/01/11 06:01:56瀏覽390|回應0|推薦7
這是男子演唱的情歌,曲調頗為輕快.由歌詞得知女子對男子並不好(you treat me cruel, you hurt me and you made me cry),可男子仍死心塌地愛著情人,不棄不離.此等男子也真少見.

Oh! Carol, I am but a fool,
Darling I love you tho' you treat me cruel,
You hurt me and you made me cry
But if you leave me I will surely die.

Darling there will never be another
Cause I love you so,
don't ever leave me,
Say you'll never go
I will always want you for my sweetheart
No matter what you do
Oh! Carol, I'm so in love with you.

Oh, Carol...

( 心情隨筆愛戀物語 )
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