The Eight (八的密秘)
自從達文西密碼受到歡迎,坊間這類的書籍就層出不窮。但這本書卻是早於丹布朗寫書之前,但是不諱言此書的中譯本確實是因為達文西此書的盛行,讀者才有機會一窺廬山真面目。書中除了融合了歷史上許多知名人物都是共濟會的傳說外,不外加上一個主題:寶藏的吹追尋思(某修道院傳說藏有查里曼大帝的西洋棋棋組。裡頭藏有一個可以左右世界的力量(長生不老藥的方程式),主題雖然老套,但故事的鋪陳技巧頗佳。讀起來想要一股作氣,顧不得厚厚的一大本在颱風天也不受外界乾擾一次讀完。愛不釋手就是對本書的感覺。同好者。若已看完Steve Berry 的(聖殿騎士的遺產),鼓勵大家趕緊到書店找出此書來看。
口碑更勝《達文西密碼》 ~ 長踞歐美暢銷書榜多年不墬
全球逾30種語言版本問世 ~ 榮獲多國年度最佳小說
凱瑟琳.納薇禮(Katherine Neville)
從八歲時愛上寫作,曾任國際能源及金融顧問,以及電腦主管達二十年,客戶及聘顧公司包括IBM、阿爾及利亞政府、美國能源局、OPEC、土地管理局、紐約證交所,以及美國銀行。四十歲時,和世界有名的腦科學家Karl Pribram 搬到歐洲居住。
納薇禮的第一部小說《8的秘密》已被翻譯超過三十種語言;西班牙知名雜誌《El Pa?s》所做的全國民調中,該書獲選為十大首選小說之一。她的第二部作品《A Calculated Risk》,獲選一九九二年紐約時報年度好書。第三部小說《The Magic Circle》,是USA Today暢銷書,也榮登法國、西班牙及澳洲十大排行。
Editorial Reviews Review
Katherine Neville's debut novel is a postmodern thriller set in 1972 ... and 1790. In the 20th century, Catherine Velis is a computer expert with a flair for music, painting, and chess who, on her way to Algeria at the behest of the accounting firm where she is employed, is invited to take a mysterious moonlighting assignment: recover the pieces of an old chess set missing for centuries.
In the midst of the French Revolution, a young novice discovers that her abbey is the hiding place of a chess set, once owned by the great Charlemagne, which allows those who play it to tap into incredible powers beyond the imagination. She eventually comes into contact with the major historical figures of the day, from Robespierre to Napoleon, each of whom has an agenda.
The Eight is a non-stop ride that recalls the swashbuckling adventures of Indiana Jones as well as the historical puzzles of Umberto Eco which, since its first publication in 1988, has gone on to acquire a substantial cult following.
From Publishers Weekly
Even readers with no interest in chess will be swept up into this astonishing fantasy-adventure, a thoroughly accomplished first novel. Catherine Velis, a computer expert banished to Algeria by her accounting firm, gets caught up in a search for a legendary chess set once owned by Charlemagne. An antique dealer, a Soviet chess master, KGB agents and a fortune-teller who warns Catherine she's in big trouble all covet the fabled chess pieces, because the chess service, buried for 1000 years in a French abbey, supplies the key to a magic formula tied to numerology, alchemy, the Druids, Freemasonry, cosmic powers. As the story shuttles between the 1970s and the 1790s, we are introduced to 64 characters, including Mireille, a spunky French nun who helps scatter the individual chess pieces across Europe lest the set fall into evil hands. Involving Napoleon, Talleyrand, Casanova, Voltaire, Rousseau, Robespierre and Catherine the Great in the quest, Neville has great fun rewriting history and making it all ring true. With two believable heroines, nonstop suspense, espionage, murder and a puzzle that seems the key to the whole Western mystical tradition, this spellbinder soars above the level of first-rate escapist entertainment. Daring, original and moving, it seems destined to become a cult classic