Echo Park by Michael Connely
In 1993, Marie Gesto disappeared after walking out of a supermarket in Hollywood. Fearing the worst, the case was elevated by LAPD commanders from the missing persons squad to the Homicide Division, where Harry Bosch was assigned the case. But the 22-year-old woman never turned up — dead or alive — and it was a case Bosch couldn't crack.
Thirteen years later Bosch is in the Open-Unsolved Unit when he gets a call from the DA's office. A man accused of two heinous killings is willing to come clean in regard to several other murders in a deal to avoid the death penalty. One of those murders, he says, is the killing of Marie Gesto. Bosch is now assigned to take Raynard Waits' confession and to make sure the killer is not scamming authorities to avoid a date with death.
In confirming the confession Bosch must get close to the man he has sought for thirteen years. Bosch's whole being as a cop begins to crack when he comes to realize that he and his partner missed a clue back in 1993 that could have led them to Waits and would have stopped the nine murders that followed the killing of Marie Gesto.
1993 年,Marie Gesto在好萊塢一個超級市場出去以後消失了。有了最壞的打算,暗由LAPD 指揮官從失蹤者案件裡調給兇殺重案組哈里不希警探負責。但這位失蹤的22 歲婦女從未出再現過—無論死活—而這是布希警探亦一直無法勘破的一個案件。
十三年後布希已調至未解決案件得單位接到從DA 辦公室打來的電話。一個被指責二項可恨謀殺案件的犯人,願出庭作證,說出與前案有關的其它幾件謀殺案,希望能避免死刑。他所提的案件中,有一個就是Marie Gesto 被殺害的事。布希現在被分配到去提訊此犯人叫Raynard Wait並得到他的自白,並且確定兇手不會要因要避免死亡造訪,而不當詐欺當局。
在證實自白前,布希必須得緊挨他尋找了十三年的人。布希隨後開始感到天崩地裂,是當他逐漸意識到在他1993 年和他的夥伴錯過了線索可以阻止救起Marie Gesto 被謀殺隨後的九條人命。