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2018/01/21 20:30:12瀏覽17|回應0|推薦0

Let’s Talk in English on 2018/01/22

1.      Let’s go ahead and get started with our Read it.

2.      Well, it was a little scary because there are so many people you that you have never met before.

3.      He has a little apartment. The rent is fine.

4.      He is here alone. He is not married yet.

5.      sometime  某個時間

6.      If Rob decides to take the new job in Chicago, then there will not be many guys left working here.

7.      I hadn’t thought about that. You’re right.

8.      Pauline lives in an apartment in town.

9.      Do you know the difference between the words house and apartment?

10.  An apartment is a building usually four stories high. Many families live.

11.  A house is a building. Usually one or two stories high. Usually one family lives.

12.  People rent an apartment when people move somewhere new.

13.  It’s close by. He can walk to work.

14.  walk to the bank, to his home,

15.  Peter gets to work by subway. It takes me about one hour.

16.  One hour is a long commute. 通勤

17.  Are you here alone? 你自己一個人在這兒嗎

18.  Well, my mom is at work. My brother is in school. My grandma is at home.

19.  I am here with you.

20.  Matt lives by himself.

21.  I wonder if this is his first time to live far away from his family. That can be hard.

22.  When was the first time you lived away from your family, Peter?

23.  Does camp count?

24.  Peter left home to go to college.

25.  He is alone in the room. 一個人

26.  go along the street 沿著走

27.  They have a lot in common. 相似處很多

28.  They both like sports.

29.  We can take a walk sometime.

30.  homesick: you miss your home, your family

31.  a normal feeling

32.  What’s the best part of your job?

33.  I enjoy having you around.

34.  We are family.

35.  Kind of. 有點

36.  What do you do for fun?

37.  I play with my dog.

38.  I like to listen to people talking. When they need help, I like to step in. 涉入


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