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Let’s Talk in English on 2017/12/08

1. What type of skin do you have?
2. Do you have normal skin, oily skin, dry skin, combination skin or sensitive skin? (正常的  油性  乾性 混合型  敏感型)
3. Wearing too much makeup is not good for your skin. (化妝品)
We take care of our skin by using soups, creams, lotions, and even masks. (肥皂 乳液 保濕液 面膜)
4. 油性較高保濕乳液叫moisturizer
5. This soup is neither too spicy nor too bland. 這湯不太竦亦不太淡
6. chef 主廚  fur 皮毛 scale 鱗

Let’s Talk in English on 2017/12/09

1. I'm freezing.   (我涷死了)
2. It was sunny this morning. (早晨陽光普照)
3. What's the weather like outside? (外面氣溫如何)
4. The temperature is dropping. (氣溫下降)
5. How's the weather now?  (現在天氣如何)
6. snowstorm (暴風雪)
7. Christmas decorations 聖誕裝飾品
8. decorate the house 裝飾房子
9. Our neighborhood looks great. 我們社區看來很棒
10. My brother is hard to buy for. He has everything. 我弟弟什麼都有,很難幫他買禮物
11. sausage 香腸
12. Did you make a list for Santa Claus in your childhood? 你小時寫一張禮物單給聖誕老人嗎
13. I asked for a horse. 我要求一匹馬
14. in front of the camera 在攝影機前
15. wrinkles 皺紋
16. toner 化妝水

Let’s Talk in English on 2017/12/11

1. Holiday travel
2. Do you often travel during the holiday season?
3. It’s very common. 普通
4. accident 意外
5. travel over the holiday
6. Is the store open over the new year?
7. I have the plane ticket already.
8. It would be a long drive but worth it. 長時駕駛但值得
9. You can eat and shop at the airport.
10. Roads are crowded. 擁擠
11. bad traffic
12. Take your time. 慢慢來 Don’t rush.
13. Don’t be in a hurry.
14. Hurry up. 趕快
15. safe and sound for Christmas 平安
16. ruin your car 損毀汽車
17. steering wheel 駕駛盤
18. traffic jam 交通阻塞
19. The door is jammed. 打不開
20. I’m looking for places to go.
21. Let’s get behind the wheel.
22. I don’t have to be stressed. 不必承受壓力
23. rush to take a shower 衝去淋浴

Let’s Talk in English on 2017/12/12
1. Holiday travel
2. It is worth it to see your family.
3. stay home and relax
4. visit some places
5. feel the Christmas cheer 快樂的感覺
6. Christmas is fun in New York.
7. Paris 巴黎 Rome羅馬
8. Christmas displays in store windows
9. special traditions
10. Macao 澳門
11. It lights up at the beginning of December for the Macao Festival.
12. to light up a candle 蠟燭
13. Her face lit up when she heard the news.
14. Portugal 葡萄牙
15. they can make a snowman on the beach from sand
16. There is no place like home.
17. traditional food
18. get away from the cold weather and the snow 遠離
19. They can’t wait to get away from work.
20. special treat 特別的待遇
21. As soon as I finish my work, I’ll head for bed. 去睡覺
22. Australia is a popular holiday choice since Christmas falls during their summer time.
23. enjoy a barbecue on the beach
24. sand snowman
25. make three big balls of snow, stack them on top of each other, and it looks like a man
26. scuba diving 水肺潛水
27. holiday cheer
28. look out of the window at the sun
29. Christmas traditions
30. at the market
31. let’s play in the sand at the beach
32. Asia亞洲, Europe 歐洲
33. check your passport
34. renew it 護照要有六個月期限,不足的時候要去延期
35. make reservations for hotels 預約旅館
36. make copies of all your travel papers 先影印好文件
37. just accept it
38. be friendly
39. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 入鄉隨俗
40. Pack light. Don’t carry much. 輕裝便行
41. Costa Rica哥斯達黎加

Let’s Talk in English on 2017/12/13
1. Have you eaten today?
2. snacks 點食零食 a small amount of food to o keep you from getting hungry
a slice of pizza, a glass of milk, a sandwich
3. I can’t wait to open the present.
4. I can listen to music or something.
5. There are two chairs right there.
6. don’t eat too many snacks
7. have a banana as a snack
8. too full to eat at the party (太飽而吃不下)
9. eat a snack during the break
10. have crumbs on your face 麵包屑
11. It’s Christina’s turn 輪到Christina
12. He is also a teacher. 也是
13. healthy snack
14. cookies and milk are good snacks
15. That’s a good snack.
16. banana, apple, orange
17. drink a lot of water, tea, coffee
18. soda goes well with pizza 汽水很配比薩
19. snack food: a carrot, an apple, a slice of pizza
20. junk food: French fries
21. You eat all the rest. 剩下的都被你吃掉了
22. Love is what makes the world go round.
23. You’ll have a better day.

Let’s Talk in English on 2017/12/14

1. I’m excited to be with you.
2. Read along with Peter.
3. prepare for the party
4. I agree
5. cheese and crackers, nuts, and a big plate of fruit
6. cookies: sweet
7. crackers and chips: not sweet
8. crackers are usually thicker than chips
9. plenty of them
10. sweet treats
11. It’s nice to talk lots of interesting things.
12. suggest having dip
13. dip your fingers into the water 試溫
14. I don’t like eggs.
15. hard-boiled eggs 白煮蛋
16. What do you like or don’t like?
17. popcorn 爆米花
18. salty snacks 醎的
19. cupcakes, chocolates,
20. I baked plenty. 很多
21. drinks: iced tea, soda, lemonade,
22. You can’t have a party without chocolate.
23. You can’t learn English without practicing the new words.
24. I’ll prepare my clothes for tomorrow.
25. We have plenty of food.
26. on your marks 各就各位
27. jungle chit-chat
28. at the gym
29. gain weight 增重
30. lose weight 減肥
31. Food is fuel for your body.
32. Almonds are s good snack. 杏仁
33. fresh fruit has natural sugar, great nutrition and fiber
34. smoothie: 冰沙 a drink with fruit, yogurt, ice,
35. cookie (US) biscuit (England)

36. 閒談;閒話. Let's get together for some chitchat. 我們聚聚聊聊

chit-chat:   conversation about things that are not very important,  boring social chit-chat 閒聊

jungle: a thick tropical forest with many large plants growing very close together 熱帶叢林

這個單元是一隻叫Ginger (薑) 的猴子和牠的主人的對話

另外我們常說 水泥叢林指得就是擁擠的城市
concrete ˈjungle: an unpleasant area in a city that is full of big ugly buildings and has no open spaces

Let’s Talk in English on 2017/12/15
1. Do you have water at home?
2. Today’s topic is news.
3. I just turn on the faucet and water comes out.
4. When I take a shower, I just do the same thing.
5. I have plenty of drinking water.
6. liter, kilometer, average, faucet
7. take shorter showers
8. turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth
9. a flood after the heavy rain
10. WHO: World Health Organization (世界衛生組織)
11. house fire
12. can’t use the toilet
13. 100 liters of water to use each day
14. drink water, take showers, make food, clean the dishes
15. the average daily walk is six kilometers (平均)
16. we shouldn’t waste water
17. the faucet is at the sink (水槽)
18. We don’t think about how important water is until it’s not there.
19. You can save money by cooking at home.
20. You can sleep better by making some changes.
21. use shampoo, soap to rinse your hair (沖洗)
22. I do something similar when I brush my teeth.
23. other tips to save water
24. when the faucet is broken, and the water leaks
25. try saving more water
26. too much water, rain
27. Sometimes the problem is not too few choices but too many.
28. People are scared of floods.
29. sweep a car away, sweep away a car
30. clean the floor, sweep the floor
31. flooded road
32. dig wells so the villagers can have more drinking water (掘井)
33. This bottle holds two liters.
34. The average waiting time is 30 minutes.
35. Heavy rain can cause a flood.
36. Some people don’t have enough.
37. Super sentence man (單元名稱)
38. Welcome to pet world.
39. What kind of pet are you looking for?
40. a turtle, a sea animal
41. Most people are scared, so they won’t bring this friend home.
42. a dinosaur
43. Maybe next time.
44. Choosing a pet takes a lot of time.
45. puppies
46. pollution, polluted
47. health problems

Let's Talk in English 2017/12/16
1. Do you like sweet snacks or salty snacks?
2. Let's watch all of them together.
3. plan ahead 事先計畫
4. behind the wheel 駕車
5. arrive home safe and sound 平安到家
6. feel the Christmas cheer
7. Macao 澳門
8. I agree.
9. walk a long distance to get water 長距離
10. drive very carefully on flooded roads
11. centimeters 公分 kilometers 公里
12. challenge yourself 挑戰
13. one slice of pizza 一片比薩
14. roads and airports are crowded
15. favorite snack 最喜歡的
16. turn on the faucet
17. Jack's file (傑克的檔案) 是一個單元名稱
18. take one trip at a time 一次去一個地方
19. travel smart
20. If your passport expires within six months of your return date, renew it.
Otherwise, you may not be allowed into some countries. 否則的話
21. make reservations for hotels and major sights 重要景點
22. People may do things differently.
23. Travel changes you.
24. get in shape 身材好
25. I want to surprise my daughters with their first family pet.
26. Come back on Monday. We'll have brand new lessons. 嶄新的課程

Let’s Talk in English on 2017/12/18
1. small talk: mailing letters and cards (單元名稱:短暫聊天)
2. Have you sent your Christmas cards yet?
3. Christmas is one week away.
4. music store near the post office
5. a zip code on the envelop 郵遞區號
6. or the post office can’t deliver it 投遞
7. write a yearly update letter, including a picture, and personal notes
8. mail them for Tina
9. the address isn’t correct
10. maybe twenty or thirty
11. that makes sense 有道理
12. a bunch of 一堆
13. calendar phrase 今日片語
14. this is my last one
15. Done. 好了
16. Letter Z: 字母z (an alphabet)
17. writer a letter: 信
18. How does a letter usually start?
19. Dear Peter, (信的開始)
20. Then you end a letter with a closing letter or a phrase.
Love, (信的結束)  Sincerely, (誠摰的)
21. coworkers 同事
22. Grammar point time (單元名稱:文法要點)
23. I can take care of it for you now.
24. Something is missing. (少了一樣)
25. Give me your passport number, or I can’t book your plane ticket (否則不能訂機票)
26. In Costa Rica, they don’t use zip codes.
27. I listen to music.
28. Put this card in this envelop. 把卡片放進信封
29. I can’t fool you. 我騙不了你
30. stamp 郵票
31. apartment 公寓

Let’s Talk in English 2017/12/19
1. Do you like getting mail?
2. Today’s topic is small talk and our title is mailing letters and cards.
3. What happened on our show yesterday?
4. ZIP code 郵遞區號
5. street names or house numbers
6. describe where your house is in town 描述
7. remind 提醒
8. international stamp 國際郵票
9. I’m checking that now.
10. I’m buying a new car.
11. What did you find out?
12. I’m not getting a new car. (不買了)
13. It costs one dollar and fifteen cents to mail an ounce letter.
14. one ounce = 28.3495231 克
15. a package weighs a lot more and costs a lot more 包裹較重,寄費也高
16. When you eat too much, you don’t feel well.
17. When you write an address in Chinese, you put the country first.
18. The person’s name comes last. 人名寫在最後
19. My family always comes first.
20. write in different order 順序不同
21. The United States is made up of 50 states. 美國由50州組成
22. Practice them out loud with us. 大聲唸
23. What country are you from?
24. A bottle of water costs 50 cents.
25. Why didn’t you mail it?
26. I received it. 收到了
27. I’m expecting a card from you. 期待你的卡片
28. Be patient.耐心點
29. I hope so. 希望如此
30. Using GPS can help you.
31. Look at a map. 地圖
32. Finding an address can be easy.
33. the even numbers are on one side 雙號在一邊
34. the odd numbers are on the other side 單號在另一邊
36. STE: Suite, part of an office (A suite is the location of a business within a shopping mall or office building.) 套房
36. thank-you note  謝卡, 回卡

Let’s Talk in English on 2017/12/20
1. What do you like to do for fun?
2. Today’s title is bowling. 保齡球
3. Hang out with friends and go bowling. 到外面逛
4. A recreation center has a bowling alley. 娛樂中心有個保齡球館
5. bowling is challenging 挑戰性的
6. a bowling ball can be heavy
7. ten percent of your body weight (percent 用單數)
8. knock down all ten pins 擊倒十個瓶子
9. strike 全倒
10. When I was a kid, for everyone’s birthday, I would always go bowling.
11. Bowling is fun, hard… 動名詞
12. Speaking English is difficult.
13. go shopping, go hiking, go fishing, go camping, go skating, go swimming
14. How often?
15. I practice English every day.
16. When you use “must”, it’s like a suggestion something very clear 明顯的建議
17. You must like traveling. You must be rich and happy.
18. It’s very challenging. Can you score points? 得分
19. lift a bowling a ball 舉起保齡球
20. roll a ball down a lane
21. go into the gutter and don’t hit any pins
22. knock down: when there is something, you hit it and it falls over
23. I might knock down a glass. 撞倒玻璃杯
24. homerun 全壘打 a strike 第一次時全倒, a spare 第二次時全倒
25. count the points 算分數
26. tiring 令人疲倦的
27. make it up 捏造
28. He knocked over a glass and it broke.
29. What is the weight of the box? 重量
30. throw a bowling ball, walk toward the lane,
31. wear special shoes
32. drop a bowling ball on your bare foot 球掉在光腳上
33. join a bowling team 參加保齡球隊
34. make your shoes light but not too much 不要穿太輕的鞋子
35. slippery 滑的

Let’s Talk in English on 2017/12/21
1. I have a good guess . I bet it has something to do with this sport, bowling. 我猜多半和保齡球有關
2. I should hang out with him more often. 更常與他出去
3. The bowling team needs another member.
4. She has no talent for bowling.
5. She has dropped a bowl on her toe.
6. Do you know if the restaurant is open on Sunday?
7. I’ll ask her out. 我來邀請她出去 I’ll invite her.
8. Are you interested? 你有興趣嗎
9. It only costs only fifty dollars to join.
10. calendar phrase 今日片語
11. a gutter ball 掉到溝裡的球不得分
12. score 得分
13. My highest is about 190. What about you? 最高得過190
14. Maybe you can beat me. 也許你會打過我
15. He was pleased that I asked him. 很高興我問他
16. He doubts he has time on his schedule.
17. I doubt I will finish the class. I doubt I will graduate. 畢業
18. weekly schedule
19. Sorry, my schedule is full. I have a class that night. 沒空
20. I was caught in the rain.
21. That’s too bad.
22. I didn’t have an umbrella.
23. I left my keys at the office.
24. I hope you were making it up. 你編的
25. When does the class meet?
26. The class meets three times a week.
27. They meet at the bowling alley at 7 AM, not PM.
28. In bowling, three strikes is great.
29. a perfect score adds up to 300 points
30. For ten rounds, you bowled a strike each time.
31. a split: when two pins are still standing but they are far enough away
32. I hurt my toe. I dropped a bowling ball on my toe.
33. Sometimes it happens.
34. These funny shoes. 滑稽的
35. Don’t remind me. 不要提醒我
36. The more pins you knock down, the better.
37. the bowling alley
38. buy pizza and popcorn
39. arcade games 大型遊戲 video games 電子遊戲機
40. pinball machine 彈珠台




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