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2018/01/19 20:19:14瀏覽11|回應0|推薦0

Let’s Talk in English on 2018/1/20

1.      Thanks for sharing your Saturday with us.

2.      review all of it together

3.      I am going all the way to Bali.

4.      I just wish I could.

5.      go swimming, go hiking, go camping

6.      There are so many coffees to choose from.

7.      Icebergs float in the ocean. Then can be hidden under the water.

8.      I want to see an iceberg in real life one day.

9.      snorkel: 浮潛 scuba diving: 水肺潛水

10.  The Info really does make you smarter.

11.  We always enjoy this time of the week because we can see the features again.

12.  The more you practice, the better you will get.

( 知識學習語言 )
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