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絕不遜色的FM-『The Rising Tied』
2007/06/27 13:10:01瀏覽1416|回應0|推薦2

我要鄭重的告訴大家,黑暗堡壘(Fort Minor) 絕對不會讓你失望, 請千萬不要把他當成是聯合公園的附屬產品,因為他們不一樣,一點也不一樣。

聯合公園的音樂成分以搖滾為主體,加入一些其他元素,而形成的另類搖滾風格,而黑暗堡壘,是完全以嘻哈當作主體,麥克(Mike Shinoda)充分的表現出他的長才, 一流的Rap結合一流的音樂,讓我這個不喜歡嘻哈的,都點頭說讚。每一首歌唱出一段故事,像是他在向你說話,說出一些腦裡的想法,不做作,告訴大家這段路,他是怎麼走來的,無畏外界的聲音,勇敢做音樂 。

第一首歌"Remember The Name" ,真是讓人驚訝,文字竟可以被用的如此有生命力 ,甚至於可以說,文字就是節奏,『This is 10luck. 20skill. 15concentrated power of will. l5pleasure. 50pain. And 100reason to remember the name. 』。 這一張專輯慢慢的聽,你會發現一件不可思議的事,歌越到後面越好聽。"Believe Me"堪稱經典中的經典,它的好 聽了就知道。再介紹一首很特別的歌曲, "Kenji" ,以二次世界大戰為背景,Mike體內的日本血統,讓他以黑暗堡壘的身分,訴說當年的事件,或許日本在二次大戰中,做法卑劣,但最可憐的是日本平民,往往受害的,傾家蕩產的,都是他們,還要承受戰敗的結果,而至今很少人能為他們發聲,FM讓我們以另一種角度,看歷史。

Believe Me 

I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now believe me

Ryu:I don't want to be the one to blame
You like fun and games
Keep playing em
I'm just sayin
Think back then
We was like one and the same
On the right track
But I was on the wrong train
Just like that
Now you've got a face to pain
And the devil's got a fresh new place to play
In your brain like a maze you can never escape the rain
Every damn day is the same shade of grey

I used have a little bit of a plan
Used to
Have a concept of where I stand
But that concept slipped right out of my hands
Now I don't really even know who I am
Yo, what do I have to say
Maybe I should do what I have to do to break free
What ever happens to you, we'll see
But it's not gonna happen to me

I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now believe me

Back then, I thought you were just like me
Somebody who could see all the pain I see
But you proved to me unintentionally
That you would self-destruct eventually
Now I'm thinking like the mistake I made doesn't hurt
But it's not gonna work
Cause it's really much worse than I thought
I wished you were something that you were not
And now this guilt is really all that I got

You turned your back
And walked away in shame
All you got is a memory of pain
Nothing makes sense so you stare at the ground
I hear your voice in my head when no one's around
What do I have to say
Maybe I should do what I have to do to break free
What ever happens to you, we'll see
But it's not gonna happen to me

I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now believe me


I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now believe me

Do what i have to do
You're on your own now believe me

What ever happens to you
You're on your own now believe me

What do I have to say
You're on your own now believe me

It's not gonna happen to me
You're on your own now believe me

以下是Believe Me中文翻譯

 我想 該是覺醒的時候 如果你不願意 就別跟隨我 但當你迷失時 我不會在你身邊 你懂了嗎 跟隨我 否則就靠自己吧 我不會責備你遊戲人間 我會說 繼續玩阿 過去我們曾是同類 可惜志同道不合 現在 你該面對你的苦痛 邪靈在你腦中找到新據點 像迷宮佈陣 無法逃出 像持續的灰色雨滴 困住你 曾有的人生藍圖 曾明瞭身在何處 當所有的意識消失 我甚至不知道我是誰 我想說的是該為所應為 獲取自由 從今而後 你我將會發展兩樣劇情

當時 以為你我同意戰線 可以了解我眼中的痛苦 但你不經意地證明 終會自我毀滅 試圖忽視錯誤的傷害 卻無濟於事 多希望你不是現在的你 而我亦無須背負罪惡 你冷漠地掉頭就走 盡剩痛苦回憶 無法理解一切 孤軍無援時 你聽見我的聲音 我想說的是 該為所應為 獲取自由 從今而後 你我將發展兩樣劇情

為所應為 跟隨我 否則就靠自己吧 不管你發生什麼事 跟隨我 否則就靠自己吧 我該說什麼呢 跟隨我 否則就靠自己吧 不會發生在我身上的 跟隨我 否則就靠自己吧



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