1、吃辣一族,對抗幅射最勇。 喜歡吃辣的人,身體通常比較健康,這是因為辣辣的滋味,可以殺菌,讓身體不容易生病。 2、然而,最新的研究卻發現,紅辣椒、黑胡椒、咖哩、薑黃素等等香辛料,還可以當作抗輻射的保護劑唷!「農業及食品化學期刊」的最新研究報告指出,香辛料能夠保護細胞的DNA不受輻射線的破壞;尤其是對於迦瑪射線的傷害,香辛料的保護可說是最為徹底。印度研究人員針對各種香辛料進行比較,以了解紅辣椒、黑胡椒、咖哩、薑黃素等各種香辛料預防輻射的保護功效,結果發現,紅辣椒預防輻射的保護功效最為顯著。 3、你也是吃辣一族嗎?腸胃不好的人,可千萬不要隨便吃辣了。少少的吃、慢慢的吃,讓身體慢慢習慣辣辣的味道,才能夠讓辣辣的感覺保護自己唷!
Eat spicy food to combat cancer
1) People who eat spicy food are better off to slash cancer. The reason is that the flavor of spiciness kills bacteria and makes it possible that you are not so subject to sickness.
2) However, the latest research discovers that red chilly pepper, black pepper, curry, and curcuma can become effective dosages to fight radiation. Agriculture and Foods Chemical Periodical latest research report points out spices can protect DNA in our cells from being destroyed by radiation; especially the type of harm caused by gamma-rays. Spices protection for our flesh is quite thorough. Researchers in India make comparisons among various kinds of spices to understand the effect which red chilly pepper, black pepper, curry, and curcuma have to combat radiation. The result shows red chilly pepper has the best protection effect against radiation.
3) Are you one of those who like to eat spicy food? People who don’t have healthy stomach or intestines need to refrain themselves from eating spicy meals. Eat minimum spicy food and eat it slowly. Let your body be accustomed to the spicy flavor. Smallest amount of spiciness can boost our health.