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坤》Would like to what
2007/02/23 18:15:44瀏覽483|回應0|推薦10

Would like to what,

Would like to,

Would like to what,

Would like to,

yeah,ain't no stoping,

i'm just keep losing,

forcing the way you just keep watching,

so I 'll concentrate,

By the lord's saying,

telling you what's gonna be,

between you and me,


Would like to what,

Would like to,

Would like to what,

Would like to,

you know the first step is get lost some abashed,

but all the focus wasn't that kind of fuzzy so I

stressted out without any of love of puppy,

would I know is that I won't know,

talking trash to pretand that you're so kind of ,

and what will it be,

cuz I won't.

like maze ,

we can never control.

Would like to what,

Would like to,

Would like to what,

Would like to,

( 創作詩詞 )
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