別問我為什麼要翻譯 "狗眼看人低", 我自己也不知道為什麼! 也許是太無聊了, 需要自我挑戰一番...
直接翻譯 "狗眼看人低", 其實不難, 以下即是一例 (如果我翻的不對, 請不吝賜教):
可是如果想要很容易地把將"狗眼看人低" 的英文改為 "不要狗眼看人低", 就很難採用帶有"狗"字的直接又傳神的罵人話了, 以下是一些意譯:
- To behave like a snob.
- To belittle others based on own narrow perception.
- To demean others based on own narrow perception.
- To misjudge others based on own small mind.
根據以上各例, "不要狗眼看人低" 則可譯為
- Don't behave like a snob.
- Don't belittle others based on your own narrow perception.
- Don't demean others based on your own narrow perception.
- Don't misjudge others based on your own small mind.
所以說, 翻譯"狗眼看人低" 其實不簡單, 以下是目前為止我所能想到的:
- To behave like a dog that sees people as short as itself (狗眼看人低)
- Don't behave like a dog that sees people as short as itself (不要狗眼看人低)
- You are behaving like a dog that sees people as short as itself (你真是狗眼看人低)
- To behave like a dog that sees only dwarfs (狗眼看人低)
- Don't behave like a dog that sees only dwarfs (不要狗眼看人低)