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2011/09/11 22:48:55瀏覽883|回應0|推薦22 | |
古人中秋吟詩賞月,佳句傳千古,在此拈來數首,同時也放上友朋寄來打油詩,祝大家中秋愉快! 「床前明月光, 疑是地上霜, 舉頭望明月, 低頭思故鄉。」─ 李白 「花間一壺酒,獨酌無相親,舉杯邀明月,對影成三人。」─ 李白 「戍鼓斷人行, 邊秋一雁聲,露以今夜白, 月是故鄉明。」─ 杜甫 「春花秋月何時了,往事知多少?小樓昨夜又東風,故國不堪回首明月中。」 ─唐. 李煜 「小時不識月,呼作白玉盤,又疑瑤台鏡,飛在白雲端。」─ 樂府 「時逢三五便團圓,滿把晴光護玉欄, 天上一輪才捧出,人間萬姓仰頭看。」 ─ 紅樓夢 「青山隱隱水沼沼, 秋盡江南草木調,二十四橋明月夜, 玉人何處教吹簫。」 ─ 杜牧 「明月出天山,蒼茫雲海間,長風幾萬里,吹渡玉門關,海上升明月,天涯共此時。情義怨遙夜,竟夕起相思,滅燭憐光滿,披衣覚露滋,不堪盈手贈,還寢夢佳期。」─ 張九齡 「春風又綠江南岸,明月何時照我還。」─ 張佑 「春江潮水連海平,海上明月共潮生,灩灩隨波千萬裏,何處春江無月明。」 ─ 唐. 張若虛「春江花月夜」 「千山同一月,萬戶盡皆春;千江有水千江月,萬里無雲萬里天。」─佛教俚語 「一彈流水一彈月, 半入江風半入雲。」 ─ 對聯
「明月幾時有?把酒問青天.。不知天上宮闕,今夕是何年? 我欲乘風歸去,又恐瓊樓玉宇,高處不勝寒。 起舞弄請影,何似在人間? 轉朱閣、低綺戶、照無眠, 不應有恨,何事長向別時圓。 人有悲歡離合,月有陰晴圓缺,此事古難全。但願人長久,千里共嬋娟。」 ─蘇軾「水調歌頭」 ── 今年九月十二日就是中秋節啦! 給您送月餅來啦......! 希望今年的第一份月餅~~ 是由我這來的...... 送您一個月餅.............. 含量成分: 100%「純關心」 配料: 第一層是「祝福」,第二層是「關懷」, 第三層是「相信」,第四層是「溫馨」。 以蓮子蓉造餡; 中間是「甜蜜窩心」。 保存期限:「一輩子」 保存方法:「珍惜自會長久」 願您時時開心、天天快樂、 平安年年、幸福一生! 祝您有個美好的中秋佳節!~~ ── 親愛的朋友: 第4餅:法餅,成份:真心快樂;保質期:一生;營養:溫馨, 幸福, 真情; 製造:想念你的人。 第5餅:團圓餅,平安的餡,的皮,的盒子,的繩。 ~~~思念,一絲一絲,連成線; ── 祝我最親爱的朋友: 「一年容易又中秋, 古人不見今時月, 今月曾經照古人。 甚麼時候我們也會是古人? 所以一定要善待自己, 偶而寵寵自己就對啦!」 ── 送上一支红玫瑰,祝您中秋節快樂 但願人長久 千里共嬋娟 願愛你的人更愛你; 你愛的人更懂你! 送上三個小月餅,祝您中秋節快樂! ----- For my foreign friends: 「The Moon Festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, when the moon is at its fullest and brightest. It is a time for reunions, and families and friends generally gather outdoors, where they can admire the moon in its beauty. The festival is a good time to catch up with family who might live far away from home and friends who have been invited to celebrate in the national pastime. Important activities at this time include eating mooncakes, which symbolize unity and togetherness; strolling under the full moon; and eating pomelos 柚子, since the Chinese term for this citrus sounds like the Chinese words for “ care and protection.” Conversation keeps pace with the breeze in the summer cool night. Eyes take to the sky in appreciation of the moon its glory – and maybe an unconscious desire to get a glimpse of Chang’e . (嫦娥) The festival has a long history dating back to ancient China, and several accounts of its origin have survived. In Taiwan, the most popular version is an account of Houyi and his wife, Chang’e, although the exact details vary. According to legend, Houyi (后羿) won the elixir of immortality after he shot out of the sky nine suns that were scorching crops and driving people into dire poverty. Houyi ordered the remaining sun to rise and set according to time. However, not wanting to leave his wife behind, Houyi gave her the elixir for safekeeping, but Peng Meng saw where Chang’e hid the elixir. Waiting until Houyi went hunting, Peng Meng used a sword to demand that Chang’e hand over the portion. Chang’e, knowing that she could not defeat Peng Meng, drank the elixir and turned into a celestial being. When people heard the story, they arranged incense tables in the moonlight and prayed to kindhearted Chang’e for good fortune and peace, leading to what is now Moon Festival.」(1) After celebration of "Moon Festival", this year will soon be finished. Enjoy your life and Happy Moon Festival or Mid-Autumn Festival!!! Wish you all the best through the brightest and the roundest moon above the sky today ! 網路圖片
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