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2017/02/10 01:42:49瀏覽250|回應0|推薦5

Report said only 1,576 foreigners gained Chinas permanent residence in 2016.  Though total numbers granted had grown 163% over previous year,  still Chinas "Green Card" is among the toughest in the world for foreigners to apply.  Please see the report at http://www.guancha.cn/society/2017_02_05_392709.shtml.

How about the status for Taiwan "compatriots"?  Well, the newly-issued Taiwan Compatriot Card has been functioning almost the same as that of Mainlands ID.  Recently Chinas Mainland announced that a feasibility study is under way for granting Taiwan compatriots the nationals status.  By the time, I believe people of Taiwan, especially young ones, will have started to vote with their feet.   


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