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"Word Power"
2013/10/09 00:19:21瀏覽270|回應0|推薦3
Yesterday I paid a visit to a friend of mine who had happened to move house in near future. He used to subscribe "Reader's Digest" for a long time and he's had a lot of that pretigious magazine on hands. He asked me if I wanted them, otherwise he would dispose all of them as recycle gabbage. I love to have those Reader's Digest, but the book shelves of my home don't have enough space to accommodate them, besides, I don't have enough time to "digest" them all. "What should I do?", I was thinking.

The light dawned on me when I thought why not I only keep a part of the magazine on each issue instead of keeping the whole of it. But which part do I need? I just couldn't browse through all of the articles before I pick one from an issue. So I decided to take the section of "Word Power" because it comtains only one sheet of paper: the quizzes on the front page and the answers to them on the back. Lightly and carefully I tore each page away from every single issue of the magazine like taking away a baby from its mother's bosom. Now I had new babies of 1,260 in total(20 quizzes x 63 issues).
Word has power. Each word has beauty in itself and a mind of its own as well. Actually the world is made of words, isn't it?
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