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2016/12/30 09:15:09瀏覽208|回應0|推薦4

My previous writing "試譯 "西子姑娘""  at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/22146581 depicts how a laid in love is yearning for her hero pilot to return from skies, with victory.  Her lover makes it; what a lucky and happy girl she is.

In reality, rare were so for other lovers in dream during China's Resistance War Against Japan.  Thousands of patroitic pilots sacrificed their young lives in the skies and never returned.  Three typical stories of such great heroism and romantic but sad love are given at http://www.toutiao.com/a6369424455676313858/. (而萬千國人像已忘掉,你死是為了谁.)

I've known all of the stories already, still they moved me to tears.   

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