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2017/01/03 10:18:45瀏覽206|回應0|推薦4

Who is Ms. Xu Guangping?  You may not know her.  She was the secretary, lover, common-law wife, and mother of his only child of Mr. Lu Xuns.  Attached below is a report given to this laudable woman who was supposed to be the greatest helper to Lu Xuns cachet in modern China literature and thoughts.  "寬容善良的許廣平"  at http://www.toutiao.com/a6357581565123854594/

However, my previous posting http://classic-blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/29455455 of "鲁迅妻子朱安:一生欠安", a beautifully and felicitously written essay, gives a little different depiction about Ms. Xu, of course from Ms. Zhus own angle.  Well, all I can say, from a readers point of view, is that Mr. Lu was so lucky a man to have had two great women to care about him throughout his life, so as to make him bequeath his literary legacies to all of us.



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