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2015/09/05 20:16:55瀏覽303|回應0|推薦5

A friend of mine emailed the following article to me the other day, and I would like to recommend it to all of you.  The article interests me not only because it reveals something I dont know about Lu Xun, but also because the article itself is so beautifully written by a only 21-years-old college girl that makes feel too timid to publish my Chinese work now.  Read it, and you wont regret it.   

鲁迅妻子朱安:一生欠安 - 一代文豪背後的故事。很悲涼!


P.S.  Previously I wrote something about Lu Xuns work in "大師的雜文 vs 大師的譯筆" at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/7694902.  Both Lu Xun and Hu Shi were contemporaries in the same time when Chinese intellectuals were hankering for getting rid of those regressive, anachronistic traits from Chinese tradition; in short, eradicating those things belong to "Old Society", in which both of their marriage had been prearranged by their parents, not by themselves.  Hu opted for tolerance towards his unhappy marriage, whereas Lu opted for indifference towards his wife if the story was true.  By the way, everybody is liable to have a weakness in his character like that Lu Xun did to peep his sister-in-law taking a bath, which caused his brother to sever relationship with him. (I am not sure the veracity of that.)  In English, an idiom can best describe such a human weakness, especially for a great man: "have feet of clay". 

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