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2013/09/06 00:04:41瀏覽71|回應0|推薦1

Retiredbum notes:

A friend of mine sent  me this piece of "poem", and I would like to share it with you.   It contains no obscure words, no overtone that is hard to understand, but all trivial things plainly told.  Your eyes will probably moisten like mine did when you finish reading it.

I always admire anyone who can write such beautiful essays in simple English with rhetorical grammar.   Being writers with English as second language, we're particularly prone to use difficult words and the expressions against idiomatic usage, which are the bad things we should try to avoid. 



Remember the day I borrowed your brand new car and I dented it?
I thought you’d kill me, but you didn’t.

And remember the time I dragged you to the beach, and you said it would rain, and it did?
I thought you’d say, “I told you so.”  But you didn’t.

Do you remember the time I flirted with all the guys to make you jealous, and you were?
I thought you’d leave me, but you didn’t.

Do you remember the time I spilled strawberry pie all over your car rug?
I thought you’d hit me, but you didn’t.

And remember the time I forgot to tell you the dance was formal and you showed up in jeans?
I thought you’d drop me, but you didn’t.

Yes, there were lots of things you didn’t do,
But you put up with me, and you loved me, and you protected me.

There were lots of things I wanted to make up to you when you returned from Viet Nam.

But you didn’t.

Leo Buscaglia   UNQTE

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