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國家記憶: 隱蔽戰線的英烈
2016/11/19 02:55:26瀏覽251|回應0|推薦6

Subject is a series of commentary shot by CCTV, recounting the espionage between CCP and KMT during early 50's.  It was a period of so-called "White Terror" that'd had long repercussions on Taiwan's politics and the mindset toward Mainland, even till now.  Please log on Youtube to find the series, and it's really worth your while to watch them. 

FYI, please also refer to my previous writings on similar topic:

"朱楓 and 秋瑾" at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/15111274, and

"試譯: 北京西山無名烈士纪念碑主碑文" at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/54221186 

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