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On 150th birthday of Dr Sun Yat-sen
2016/11/12 08:02:45瀏覽319|回應0|推薦5

Today is the 150th birthday of Dr Sun Yat-sen.  So far I haven't seen any mainstream media, not to mention DPP administration, in Taiwan saying anything concerning this memorable day to the islanders.  By contrast, in Mainland they've always revered Sun as revolutionary pioneer all the time, and officially commemorated Sun by President Xi himself, saying that "the best tribute to Sun Yat-sen is to continue the pursuit for a rejuvenated China that he had dreamed of". (Please see http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1017356.shtml)

But in this particular day I am going to talk about the commemoration of Dr Sun's 100th birthday that took place in 1965 at 中山堂, Taipei. (Actually it was 99th birthday according to Chinese tradition, but Chiang's regime deliberately avoided the embarrassment of holding the ceremony at the same time as Mainland would do later in 1966.)  An erstwhile classmate and good friend of mine was selected as being the emcee of the ceremony.  You know, he was just a freshman then, now you can imagine how good relationship he had with KMT.  Needless to say, he would have been a brat pack, or a prospective rising star, within KMT if he was willing to be so.  I still remember after the ceremony he gloatingly told me that only when he said, "Now we call upon our honorable guest Veep Yan(嚴家淦) to deliver us a speech", could Mr. Yan stand up and proceed to the forum.

After he graduated from college, he didn't make attempt to get himself in politics circle.  Instead, he forayed into different jobs as an ordinary worker: TV station, enterprise, stock market, and so on; and there was a time he even entered into graduate school for further study.   I don't know why but he seemed not able to stay at one place long enough to make it a career for him.  Well, a rolling stone gathers no moss, but now I just wonder if he can be ready to roll again, and I haven't heard of him for a long, long time, either.

When we were all freshmen, his handsome face looked a little maturity beyond his years.  But so far as I know, he is still single, a single old fellow now. 



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