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Is Chinese hard to learn?
2016/09/04 03:02:41瀏覽163|回應0|推薦6

In these days my wife and I had to repair to my daughters for taking care of my granddaughter.  You know, playing during daytime is only activity for a 19-month toddler like her , even when she is eating her meals.  So our most important jobs focused on how to play with her.

Nevertheless, I wanted her to learn something while she was playing.  She has a set of mini balls: a basketbal, a football, a soccer ball, and a baseball, all newly bought.  I told her the English name of each ball just once, okay at most twice, then she could exactly identify which one is which.  Then I taught her the Chinese names of the balls: 籃球, 橄欖球, 足球, 棒球.  But not until I read the names to her at least five times, could she barely identify them.  Therefore, I wonder if Chinese language is harder to learn in bilingual teaching?  Well, I guess she may be more familiar with listening to English because that is the only language spoken one another among her parents and her nanny. 

P.S. Shes got many toys to play with.  I noticed that almost every piece of them are made in China.  Should we be happy for that, or feel depressed?     



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