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If I were an unemployed young man again
2013/01/25 13:04:34瀏覽62|回應0|推薦0

I would have felt depressed, frustrated, indignant or even cynical about everything because I was such an assidous and diligent person either in studying or in working,being well-educated and possessing specialized skills; nevertheless,I had been treated unfairly like this: having piles of unanswered resumes, constantly facing condescending interviewers, still living off my parents, and being jobless.

But I had to tell myself not to "harbor angst,and lose dreams." because it wasn't my fault at all for being unemployed. I'd tried and tried, very hard. It was due to universal doldrums, an unbalanced supply and demand in human resource markdet everywhere. Never did I lament, "Why me?" for I was not the only one.  First I would snap out of depressed mood, and get a grip on myself. Then I would keep on learning more skills, honing the ones I had already owned; in the meantime, I would do exercises regularly to keep myself in good shape. What else should I do?  Nothing but wait patiently for the opportunities in an upturn of the economy.  Time will come, young man. 


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