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2016/08/04 01:15:46瀏覽138|回應0|推薦5

You may be a little too young to know who is Gen. Huang Wei, that's alright.  He was a high-ranking KMT officer and one of five commander-in-chiefs to the army group that took part in "Battle of Xubang", or "Battle of Huaihai", the final showdown of the civil war between KMT and CCP during late 1948 and early 1949.  You've known the result: underdog CCP trounced all-American-equipped KMT by annihilating two armies (one commander suicided, and the other was killed in action), and forced two to retreat and flee, and Gen. Haung, failed to lift the siege upon his army, was captivated.  Then he became a prisoner of war, but to CCP, he was a war criminal, and so we had the subject story told by his daughter at http://www.21ccom.net/articles/history/xiandai/20150518124819.html

Well, it is a sad story neither Ms. Huang nor whole Chinese people can bear to recall, although she and all of us must have already known that it is a part of inevitable processes that to the founding of a "new" China.  Nevertheless, the cost is dearly.  From the juridical aspect, the civil war has yet to end between PRC and ROC, and Taiwan is never a participant to the game.  Dear fellow islanders, kindly face the history as well as the reality.     


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