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勇哉, 何氏父子!
2016/07/23 00:21:28瀏覽338|回應1|推薦7

He Shouwei( 何守為), a "young" man of his early forties was detained in solitary confinement after an alleged attack he got involved on the so-called "Taiwan Civil Government"; the "attack" took place subsequent to the blatant discrimination against an old veteran had been exposed in that notorious "Hong Suzhu video".  He Shouwei was arrested for the suspected charge of arson during the incident, but he denied the charge and claimed he just took some pictures on the spot.  No matter what he did in the incident, he just did the right thing that ROC, or Taiwan authorities, whatever, should have done in the first place as to clamp down on that illegal, clownish, and even defrauding "organization".  It took a great deal of courage to do such a not-politically-correct deed in Taiwan's present Taidu ambience. 

He's father, Mr. He Wende(何文德), a long-time friend of mine, is the very key person who led the "Veterans Returning Home" movement in 1987.  You must know, it was the time that strongman, late President Chiang Ching-kuo was still in office, and I am not sure if that authoritative Martial Law had been lifted or not.  Anyway, due to Mr. He and his followers' incessant appeals and demonstrations, Chiang finally agreed to let those veterans go home to see their parents, wives, and even their children.  The movement thus paved the way to the inexorable trend for later across-the-board openness between both sides of the strait.  It is an epoch-making event, and history will record what the feat Mr. He had done in there. 

Like father, like son.  He Shouwei did the same thing as his father, Mr. He Wende, did under adverse circumstance: fighting for those brave but underprivileged group, the veterans.  Let me just say it again, 勇哉, 何氏父子! 

P.S. Mr. He Wende, now in his eighties and in his dotage, is suffering from senile dementia.  All we can do is sincerely wishing him all the best.     

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2016/07/23 15:57
老兵回家 - 大陸的張國立有拍成電視劇,叫做「原鄉」。
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-07-23 22:21 回覆:
Previously, I did write
"張國立在台灣拍的眷村與老兵....原鄉" in my blog. But to be frankly with you, I haven't finished watching it up to date.