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2016/06/16 08:11:18瀏覽186|回應0|推薦6

A friend of mine emailed me the song with lyrics of Master Li's "秋柳" at http://youtu.be/KeJEs2Nvt_c , and from the attached links you can find some of his other masterpieces like "春游", "送別", "西湖", "憶兒時", and so on.

I learnt Li's songs in elementary school and junior high(I don't know if those songs are still taught in Taiwan.) When I was young I just appreciated the songs' beautiful strains and elegant lyrics, and sang along; but now, after so many years elapsed, I listened to them with rapt attention until I found my eyes had moistened.   

P.S. Master Li is the first musician who's ever adopted western stave to compose Chinese songs, and he is also the first Chinese artist who introduced painting with nude models.  How could a mundane world accommodate such a genius?  So he finally consigned himself to being a monk. 





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