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2016/03/01 09:05:12瀏覽212|回應1|推薦3

Yesterday I read a highly readable and educational article of popularized social science of "马平:翻开历史,我看到一本技术手册" at http://www.guancha.cn/MaPing/2016_02_25_352046_5.shtml.  The eassy is an "abridged" history regarding the evolution of human society from the viewpoint of the relation of productivity and production means, but it's kind of a lengthy online article for general readers. 

It's written for general readers all right, but I think its academic level can emulate the ones in NTU''s "文史哲學報" that I used to read in college.  I don't know if "文史哲學報" has had internet version now; even it has, I don't believe there would be any single one could attract so much feedback as the subject article did. 

Please read the article at your leisure; it does tell you something.   

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“I don't know if "文史哲學報" has had internet version now。”
2016/03/01 09:49

Yes, you bet.  Here you go.


Oh boy, the subject article is a lon.......g one.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-03-01 11:07 回覆:
Thanks. I do appreciate it.