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From Thomas Wade to Hanyupinyin
2016/02/02 01:17:39瀏覽201|回應1|推薦3

Following is an essay discussing the brief history of how has the Chinese(Mandarin) phonetic system metamorphosed from Wade-Giles into the standard Hanyupinyin, and the complications thereof:  "文摘:北京为什么是Peking 外国人怎么拼中国地名?" at http://www.guancha.cn/WenZhai/2016_01_14_348065.shtml

I really don't know much about any kinds of phonetic alphabet. (Otherwise, I would have got full marks of English test in high school entrance examination.)  All I know is the romanization phonetic symbols for spelling Chinese, the Wade-Giles system, had been primarily invented for foreigners to learn the brand-new but time-honored language to them.  Except Mandarin; however, China has had so many a dialect that the system had to adjust itself as to accommodate such a diversification.  I think that's why the system is unable to build up a standardized pronunciation for Mandarin, or ordinary spoken Chinese(普通話).  Does "Chang" really sound like "張" in Mandarin?  (Not to mention "Ng" for "吳" among some southern Chineses)

Then up came Zhuyin alphabets in 20's.  That had been a great helper in pronouncing and learning Chinese characters, especially in Taiwan after 1949.  But the system was so invented as a learning tool for Chinese people only.  Therefore, Wade-Giles still played an important role as the intermediary between Chinese and other foreign languages, particularly English, until that multi-functional Hanyupinyin emerged.  (Please also see my preivious writing "Happy Birthday, Mr. Zhou Youguang at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/43350119. ) 

P.S.  Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs is still using Wade-Giles to transcribe the English names for passport applicants.  Now DPP will be back in office after May 20th; I hope they won't discard the Hanyupinyin names of those streets, roads, subway stations and secondary townships that has already had since Ma administration.  Please note Hanyupinyin is the ultimate solution for sure, just like final unification is an inexorable trend!      


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2016/02/02 11:27

北京为什么是Peking 外国人怎么拼中国地名? 一文的評論欄有言:

『中国的首都北京的拼写早就由Peking改为保准汉语拼音Beijing,这反映着中国综合国力的增强,国家的独立自主!反观北京大 学,在‘改开’之初,为了获取西人的承认,把名字由标准的Beijing University 改回解放前西人使用的拼法 ’Peking University&,清华大学则改回解放前的 ‘Tsinghua University’:这是典型的丧失民族、文化自信和自主话语权的表现!建议北大、清华这两所中国顶尖高等学府重新启用本国标准汉语拼音 - Beijing University & Qinghua University!』

我完全贊同。 政府訂的合理且長遠的規則,高等學府應帶頭遵守。 如果不得已,大陸政府應出面強制。

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-02-02 11:52 回覆:
Totally agreed!  Strongly suggest President Xi and Premier Li demand two universities change their names into the ones with Hanyupinyin.  (Aren't both of Xi and Li the alumni from either school?)