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"Ferguson is the wrong tragedy"
2014/12/08 15:05:46瀏覽137|回應0|推薦4

Subject is the title of a commentary on Ferguson case in this week's TIME.  Said US domestic case stemmed from a law enforcement in which a police officer Wilson killed a black youth Brown in the town of Ferguson, Missouri, and thus ignited widespred anger and nationwide protest against the failure to indict Wilson for his killing. 

The author argued that the Brown-Wilson encounter was not just a specific action both men took; rather, it was the preset hostility to the cops that black men apparently harbored, which had been the key because it was indeed totally justified.  And the author further pointed out what America owes black people like in Ferguson a sincere grappling with that take on law enforcement which is endemic in black communities nationwide.  The author also agreed to an widely accepted notion that America will never get past race without a profound change in how police forces relate to black men, though he admitted the facts of "this specific incident are too knotted to coax a critical mass of Americans into seeing a civil rights icon in Brown and an institutionally racist devil in Wilson.", meaning the justice, as well as racial equality, is yet to come by. 

Policemen in America are expected and trained to do the law enforcement jobs only.  They would never be expected as "nannies" to citizens like their counterparts would in Taiwan or in other areas.  I think it has been the strict demand on observance of the law may allow American cops more free hands domestically, but America almost always conspires with "dissidents" of foreign countries to disobey their own laws.  What a stark double standard! 

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