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2014/11/10 07:05:55瀏覽390|回應0|推薦3

Subject is a Sina forum created online for open discussion about significant issues concerning Mainland China, especially the relationship with other countries in the field of internatioal politics, economly, finance, military competition, and so on. 

Unlike that of Western-oriented point of view or that of Taiwan's parochial tunnel vision, the forum provides different perspictives from China's own stance on everything.  The contribution in there are mostly knowledgeable, perspicacious articles of logical analysis and factual account of events, and few bombast and vitriol are found.  Of course you may not agree with those statements, but at least you may realize through the forum what are the thoughts of  1.3 billion Mainlanders in miniature nowadays.  It helps.

Thus, I recommend you guys log in the website at http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1323880257

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