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How to make energy clean and use it efficiently
2014/11/08 00:38:50瀏覽71|回應0|推薦1

The Economist recently had an article discussing the problem of Mainlands energy efficiency.  With a photo attached thereof shows the athletes wearing mask and racing in a marathon contest held in Beijing, and the article hinted the air pollution had become so severe in Mainland that China should grapple with the ill by more pratical means.    

The magazine admitted that Mainland China has gained remarkable success on renewable energy, generated by wind and solar sources, which is now over 50% of total contribution to power; however, the efficiency of the renewables are not satisfactory due to high wastage ratio, according to the report.  Besides, the national grids, SOEs(State-Owned Enterprises), are inclined to purchase the energy sources from coal companies(SOEs, too) as to recoup their costs, being without sound supervision from regulaters, the report also says. 

What is the Economist trying to say?  It says that the whole system of energy and power should be managed under more competitive condition.  The unspoken suggestion is either grid systems or energy suppliers should be privatized or denationalized.  Well, I dont quite agree with that kind of argument.  Those items concerning natiional strategy and peoples daily lives should be nationalized.  Lack of efficiency or being liable to corruption?  Like Ive said before, its corrigible and controllable; at least its much better than those national lifeblood being in tycoons hands under the name of democracy and competition.  By the time, China will be ruled by plutocrats or robber barons, not real people, like that of USA today. 

Nevertheless, anti-pollution and energy efficiency are tough tasks to do for Mainland.  Mr.Xi and mainlanders, I have full confidence that you can do it.       

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