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白種人? 黃種人?
2022/06/14 16:43:16瀏覽472|回應1|推薦12

There are two Chinese women athletes playing in WNBA now: Han Xu(韓旭) for New York Liberty and Li Yueru(李月汝) for Chicago Skies.  Yesterday both of them played on the same court with each other for their teams.  As in her second year, Han performed much better than Li, who just joined the WNBA, as a rookie.

Their performance in the game is not the point here.  I found an interesting scene from the video as attached below.  You know, the majority of the players in NBA are African (black) Americans, but it is not the same case in WNBA.  The Caucasian (white) players outnumber the African ones, particularly in Liberty.  From the video, you can see all teammates of Han on court are white women, but Han looks even "whiter" than all of them.

Arent we Chinese are catagorized as yellow people?  Why do Han and Li look whiter than those Caucasian girls?  White and yellow are colors, and they are neutral in terms.  But I think the westerners deliberately made them different in the first place and implied that white is nobler, while yellow is lower.        


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2022/06/15 05:03


Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2022-06-15 21:31 回覆:
很精闢的科普. 我也很喜歡看這位仁兄的試頻. Tks.