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2022/02/26 12:15:02瀏覽690|回應0|推薦13

"Don’t leave home without it." is an ad phrase for some credit card company.  What a card that people of Taiwan are needed when they go abroad touring, visiting, studying?  A Taiwan Compatriot Certificate issued by China Mainland.  

For one more time China Mainland announced yesterday she will dispatch a charter flight to Kiev to evacuate her citizens staying at Ukraine.  As usual, anyone from Taiwan who holds a Taiwan Compatriot Certificate is eligible to onboard the flight. (I reckon even a ROC passport will do also.)

Therefore, islanders should not boast of the false correlation that with ROC passport people of Taiwan could go more places without a visa than the people with PRC Passport.  A travel document that can save your live when necessary does really matter, not just with it how many places you can go.    

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