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籠子夠大了, 鳥還是不能亂飛.
2021/08/25 12:36:53瀏覽501|回應0|推薦6

Recently I read an article written by a columnist of "cyber star" from LINE.  The author used a sarcastic tone to question the decision-making about the economy of China Mainland; for example, the rejection to some cases of IPO in NYC stock market against China internet tycoons, the ban the trading on second-hand houses, and the abeyance of passport issuance, and so on.  Though the author did not think such "aberrant" measures are kind of suicide, yet he thought president Xi is going to create a "war-time economy" upon China Mainland. 

What the author does know is the economy of China Mainland since 1949 has been the kind of a "Bird Cage" type, meaning the bird in the cage can flit freely, but not allow to fly out of the cage.  During the poverty-syricken time in her newly-found stage, people of other countries taunted China of her dilemma that once she opens up the cage, the bird will fly away; when she locks the gate, the bird will die.  Now China has become the second largest economy in the world(in the foreseeable future, she will be the largest for sure), and most of her people are close to being well-off.  That also means the cage has become much, much larger.

Nevertheless, the invisible cage is still there.  The bird(s) in there has gained much more latitude for seeking the unchecked happiness of their own, yet they can not go beyond the limits: no private capital that imperils national security in the forms of monopoly, having foray into public services, doing anything that incites indignation out of the masses that may cause social unrest, and most of all, challenging the legitimate ruling of CCP.

There must have had some adverse signs within China that may have violated above-mentioned taboos; otherwise, CCP will not be so silly, nor crazy enough to "lift a rock to hit her own feet".

PS Dont forget China Mainland has her last recourse: internal circulation of economy, while other countries just dont have.                

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