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2021/07/09 07:31:03瀏覽519|回應0|推薦10

I would take an alternate route, Central Parkway, to get home from my daughters when my GPS showed 101 high way was congested. At the corner of the exit I took, there used to be a pronounced signboard of Huawei, behind it there was a minor tech complex of that famous brand. Not any more, after sixteen months since I was in Taipei.

That branch office of Huawei is gone.  I do not know if the US government ordered Huawei to leave, or the company actively closed down its business because some of their critical supply chains have been cut off under the command from US government.  Obviously, it is not a win-win situation for both sides.  Anyway, hang on in there Huawei!  There are numerous supporters behind your back, and as a loyal Huawei phone user, I am one among them.

Interesting thing is: the signboard has been replaced by a new one, Futurewei.  Actually, the color of "Future" is RED.  Well, it leaves us a lot of imagination space, though the offices and the park seem empty right now.    


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