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2021/06/05 15:45:18瀏覽410|回應0|推薦5

At staggering pace, China Mainland reached a milestone of 0.7 billions vaccinated, or half of her total population, who had got at least one shot by June 03.  I believe before long China will have had 70% of total population, or a billion, inoculated to reach the criteria of herd immunity to COVID-19.  Good job!

Obviously, the majority of the people were shot with Chinese own vaccines : Sinopharm and Sinovac Biotech, and people of Taiwan may say the vaccines have less protection effect than their counterparts made by the US drug producers like Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson.  But scientists have indicated the final efficacy of all vaccines are the same: the inoculation will prevent contracted people from dying if they are inoculated in advance.  Life matters, doesnt it?       

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