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2021/05/18 16:14:33瀏覽469|回應0|推薦17

Last evening exactly at 8pm, there was a blackout in my neighborhood again, the second time taken place in a week.  Last time, DPP administration attributed the blackout to human negligence; well, how about this time?

Apparently, the root cause of power failure can only be boiled down to inadequate installed capacity on the island.  Everybody knows it, and I guess DPP knows it quite well, too. 

A friend of mine sent me a message thru LINE, which is a piece of news issued in 2014 by Central News Agency that then minister of economy Mr Du predicts and warns, due to the shutdown of nuke power plant 4, Taiwan shall have effectuated power limitation by the year of 2021 for low operating reserve.  

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