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2020/12/25 15:34:23瀏覽490|回應1|推薦13

Peoples Daily published a piece of news yesterday, simply stating that the cloud business Alibaba has been booked (立案) for its alleged crime of trust, nothing else.  (In fact, the news itself do contain a lot of other words subsequent to that "brief" topic; but all of them are concerning the norms and the principles of financial market management, such as fair trade, anti-trust, order of market, and so on, not any more indication of Alibaba.)

Everyone knows the fewer words of an accusation revealed by China official media toward a crime is, the severer the case may be.  Whenever a venal case is reported, the news will only say the people concerned is "booked" without any further reports; however, the accused is doomed.   A more detailed report will be given when the case is convicted. 

Well, I guess Mr Ma Yun and his Alibaba group are in big trouble now.

PS In China Mainland there are bottom lines for private capitals: no participating in politics, not setting foot in the business of public interests such as medical, power, energy, mass transpotation, etc., and never doing anything that would imperil national safety and social stability.  Basically China is still following the principle of "caged economy" in a more delicate way.  Ma Yun, and other businessmen, you guys should take Mr 榮毅仁  as your model to copy.  http://classic-blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/151877029       

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2020/12/26 12:02



Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2020-12-26 22:05 回覆:
資本主義的走狗。 Agreed!
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2020-12-26 22:05 回覆:
資本主義的走狗。 Agreed!