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"中國疫苗,稳!/ 圖圖是道"(轉載)
2020/12/21 18:16:29瀏覽474|回應2|推薦8

Recently major western countries hastened to roll out their anti-COVID vaccines and started to carry out injections on the people in need.  Report said several vaccines made by Germany and UK are produced with an unprecedented methodology.  Some cases of negative reaction out of the vaccine receivers have been reported. 

By comparison, China Mainland adopts the traditional method of inactivated vaccine, which has long been proved an effective way.  China claimed that her products have entered third-stage clinical trial among domestic personnel in need, as well as among other volunteers abroad, and few cases of adverse reaction have been found.  (Though western countries and Taiwan have not recognized the report.) 

Attached below is an illustrated report about the poecessing status of various vaccines.  Please judge them by yourselves, and most likely your choice will hinge upon your confidence in the different products, not just their efficacy and safety.  (Well, the attitude of DPP administration also hinges upon ideology, and it already said that people of Taiwan will not get any vaccine from China Mainland, nor any time prior to next March for other available vaccines.  You have plenty time to wait and see.) 


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