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2020/09/18 15:27:05瀏覽391|回應0|推薦6

The subject may remind you of that famous verse "海上升明月, 天涯共此時" now in the time nearing mid-Autumn.  Well, the other day China Mainland successfully lauched a Changcheng rocket, carrying nine commercial satellites, from a cargo vessel somewhere over Yellow Sea. 

Internet Photo

The media of Taiwan did report the news, but all of them focused on the rocket flew over the island before it entered into the orbit, except that typical Dutai media man Zhao who marvelled at the amazing launching technology from an uneven sea surface.  But he did not think of other achievements. 

Some experts pointed out that there are several advantages of launching rockets from sea, namely; avoiding separated cabins to scatter onto inhabited grounds during flight; costdown due to freely choosing a best launching site which is close to the most suitable latitude; the power of vessel its own can make the rocket booster more effective; and so on.

At least Mr Zhao was right on one thing: with all-out efforts, China Mainland had been progressing by leap and bound in past decades, while Taiwan procrastinating and stignating. 

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