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2020/09/12 12:02:48瀏覽414|回應0|推薦10

Flustered and exasperated, "President" Wonky Cai and that bald-headed "Premier" Su shouted with one accord that the recent and frequent maneuvers of PLA in the adjacent area to Taiwan were "invasion" from China.  Both Cai and Su were deceiving themselves as well as those imbeciles of Taiwan.

The term "invasion" can only be referred to the act of military forces from a country imposing upon another one.  Taiwan is a part of China, and ROC on the island is a government with partial sovereign in exile.  The real situation across the strait remains the status of an unfinished civil war.  No matter people of Taiwan like it or not, that is the fact.  I repeat, that is the fact: an unfinished civil war. 

But how to terminate the civil war and make the partial sovereign back to the whole?  Well, win or lose on battlefield, or talks on table.  Dear islanders, you make the call!

PS Those 817s or 1450s may say there is another option: independence.  Suit yourself.  But let me tell you guys, that is a pipe dream purely out of your wishful thinking!   


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